Channel: 臺灣嚮光協會 Bright Side Projects
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Helping Hands –巴奇先生 Papi Bucket



巴奇先生 Papi Bucket

黃子倫,演出時稱為巴奇先生(Papi Bucket),畢業於中央大學物理系,台灣大學應用物理研究所。



臉書: https://www.facebook.com/PapiBucket/

Huang Jr Lun, also know as “Papi Bucket” graduated from Taiwan’s National Central University Department of Physics.

Papi Bucket is now primarily a street musician, occasionally fiddling in the creation of experimental and unique instruments. [巴奇 Ba-ke] represents [Bucket], the central instrument in their musical endeavors, paired then with everyday household items such as pans and bowls for percussion-centric jam sessions!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PapiBucket/

– 台北西門町、公館、信義區等各地區街頭演出

– 2015臺北客庄等路大街『惜物美學』演出
– 2015再生工坊聖誕活動『再生樂器工坊音樂會』
– 東南科技大學表演藝術系講座
– News98電台『愛你22小時』演出

– 2016台大綠領農學市集演出
– 台大創新學院第一屆『學院亂打秀』
– 國立台北教育大學人文藝術季開幕演出
– 角落微光、隱者地圖與盧易之、巴奇先生合作台中街頭快閃活動
– 2016 陽明山天籟飯店烏托生活節
– 2016 東京涉谷ZUN CHAKA! 演出
– 2016 新竹生活節演出
– 2016 大稻埕國際藝術節街頭演出團體
– 2016 東南科技大學封茶活動演出、分享
– 2016 世貿冬季旅展演出

– 2017 濕聲 wetsound vol.1 音樂演出藝術家
– 2017 主婦聯盟環境環境保護基金會三十週年募款晚會
– 2017  新北市立錦和高中系列講座
– 2017  荒原藝術 Listening in Stillness 活動音樂家
– 2017  士林科教館SDGs New Sexy Party
– 2017  潘美辰 鼓動風潮 傳奇再現 台北場

The post Helping Hands – 巴奇先生 Papi Bucket appeared first on 臺灣嚮光協會 Bright Side Projects.

Helping Hands –黃泰元/阿泰 Tiger Jango



黃泰元/阿泰 Tiger Jango

吃素、常靜坐、不按牌理出牌。 育有一狗,名叫將狗。
喜歡在當下流動的即興音樂,常與夥伴們搭配演奏,把快樂與和平分享給朋友們。 有時會說起自己的故事:第一次街頭賣藝是在印度恆河邊拉琴,一個小孩跑來給我一盧比,從此開啟街頭表演的生活…

A vegetarian that often meditates, Tiger or “Ah-Tay” plays by his own rules and has a furry dog friend called “Chiang Dog.”
Likes a free-spirited lifestyle that is improvised, whether it is traveling or street performance. With the purpose of saving animals, Tiger began to hone his skills on the flute and also picked up mediation that brought a new dimension to his musical abilities.

Enjoys jamming with others and spreading the joy of music. There are times when he thinks back to the story of his first time performing the fiddle on the street of India when a child ran up and gave him a rupee – from then on Tiger has continued to perform.

攝影師: https://www.facebook.com/pg/unregulated.masses/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1805094129818503


The post Helping Hands – 黃泰元/阿泰 Tiger Jango appeared first on 臺灣嚮光協會 Bright Side Projects.

傢櫥【有你真好!】 Thank You MoodiWood!



我們想要特別感謝 傢櫥MOODIWOOD 慷慨贊助 114,000 元!這筆經費對我們來說意義重大,將讓我們能進一步將我們的教育陪伴計劃推向全臺,建立更完整的支援網絡,讓大人孩子們能不分年齡彼此陪伴,一同創造一同成長。

因為Kaye Yuan我們有緣在2016年與MOODIWOOD相識,這一路下來我們一同與孩子走過一趟充滿愛的驚奇旅程。由Alen和Carol所帶領的這間公司,不只一次地對嚮光的計劃大力伸出援手,除了金錢物資以外,更多的是愛與支持。

MOODIWOOD 的夥伴原本就在附近的育幼院中持續推行慈善計劃,因此當我們在清泉部落中舉辦第一次木工工作坊時,他們立刻義不容辭趕來提供我們最專業的技術協助。在過程中我們不斷發現孩子們內在隱藏無限



我也想特別謝謝 Carol 和 Alen,是他們讓嚮光協會2017、2018年度以及接下來的未來計劃變得可能。我們目前同時持續在五個不同偏鄉區域提供教育資源及物資協助,也希望能為一路上與我們一同成長的大孩子們持續提供他們所需要的支持。我們想對MOODIWOOD,每一位曾支持我們的朋友以及參與計畫的孩子們說,我們的生命因為有你而多了一些光亮 – 有你真好!

Thank you to MOODIWOOD for your kind donation of 114,000 NT! This will go furthering our work throughout the country, building strong support system empowering youth and adults of all ages to bond, create, and grow together.

Much like our journey with kids, it has been an amazing ride with MOODIWOOD ever since meeting them in early 2016 thanks to Kaye Yuan. On more than one occasion the company spearheaded by Alen and Carol have supported Bright Side Projects not only with donations but with love and support.

Their staff already had ongoing programs with local orphanages in the vicinity and worked with us right away to bring their skilled artisans to ChingChuan for our first woodcraft workshop with the indigenous children. We learned so much about the kids ability and drive to do more and learn more. We just had to be able to provide the opportunity for them to do so and MOODIWOOD came at the perfect time.

Seeing their internal events and meetings we saw the pride and care they took into ensuring community, communication, and empowerment of their staff. It then made perfect sense on why we were destined on this journey together for the future of Taiwan. MOODIWOOD is that rare company that practices what they teach and we are so privileged to have met them.

I personally thank Carol and Alen for making Bright Side Project’s work for 2017, 2018, and the future possible. We are currently providing resources at over five locations and looking to provide the youth that have grown up with us resources adapted to their needs. We want to say to MOODIWOOD, our supporters, and the youth of Bright Side Projects how fortunate we are to have you in our lives making it a little brighter – as they say “有你真好!” (It’s so wonderful to have you!)


The post 傢櫥【有你真好!】 Thank You MoodiWood! appeared first on 臺灣嚮光協會 Bright Side Projects.

2017冬日心願清單 Winter Wishlist



2017冬日心願清單 - 部落家庭冬日心願




為了能及時將愛心在12月20日前送到家庭及孩子手上 (看進度可能1月份才有辦法送),此次募款和必需品捐贈的截止日期為12月10日。萬分感謝您的支持! 若有任何問題請email info@brightside.tw 聯繫我們!


Bright Side Projects is Taiwan’s first non profit association that concurrently promotes empowerment and plant-based foods through creation and content rich activities. Plant-based meals is a unique and integral component of all of our workshops.  Help us fulfill our Bright Side Projects Winter Wishlist by 12/10 so it takes so economic stress from expenditure. When you support local farmers, you also support a nutritious plant-based meal for a child this winter. Sponsor an item for a family and our partner will also donate a generous percentage of proceeds to a hot meals for children during gift creation workshop in January. Read more below!


Your generous donation through Santa Jia Xin Toys for Taiwan will cover the delicious vegan meal and treats for one child this winter in our gift creation workshop with musicians. It will also benefit the delivery of staple organic plant-based food to 20 families in ChingChuan (Hsinchu) and Taitung. Each family we support may have anywhere from one to six children to feed. To make this a reality, we need to raise close to $3,000 USD but we will do what we can with however much we are funded.

Our deadline is 12/10 for both monetary and items donations so we can personally deliver it to families and children in time on 12/2 in ChingChuan and at a later time to Taitung. Thank you for your support! Please contact us at info@brightside.tw if you have further questions.

2017 12/10 截止日期 DEADLINE









今年冬天,RUNIVORE 提供高品質及經過認證的有機燕麥片給所需家庭。在過去兩年半以來,RUNIVORE十分熱情地支持嚮光協會各種活動。

贊助品項: 每500公克燕麥/ 新台幣200元
贊助目標: 15公斤燕麥
總金額: 新台幣6000元
慈善捐助額: 總收入之10%

RUNIVORE is the premier supplier of providing high quality certified pesticide free organic oats for families this winter. RUNIVORE has been one of the biggest supporters of Bright Side Projects initiatives for the past year and half, supplying us with the best quality chia seeds and oats for families, children, and bake sale charity events. We are looking to provide each family with about 1KG of oats for 400 NT(15 KG of organic oats for approx 15 families at total $6,000NT). A generous 10% of the proceeds fulfilled from the RUNIVORE x Bright Side Projects wishlist will go back to communities.

  • 共需15KG 0%
SPONSOR A FAMILY 贊助一戶家庭 400 元

1. 台北富邦銀行 銀行代號 012
帳號: 4901 0202 2421

2. 信用卡 : https://goo.gl/KAf5Xh
3. PayPal : brightside.tw@gmail.com
4.通知 http://m.me/brightside.tw 或 brightside.tw@gmail.com



贊助品項: 4公斤稻米 新台幣520元 (運費另外算)
目標: 80公斤稻米
總金額: 新台幣10,400元
慈善捐助額: 總收入之20%
贊助一戶家庭: 4-6 公斤 / 新台幣540-780元

Hualien Friendly Farm is an amazing supplier of organic rice to the top plant-based restaurants in Taiwan.  Help us to provide organic white and brown rice from local farmers to local families. We are hoping to obtain 60 KG of rice at 580NT for every 4KG (total amount $10,400 NT). When you purchase rice for our wishlist from the, a very generous 20% will be donated on top to Bright Side Projects!


  • 共需80KG,還需80KG 0%
SPONSOR A FAMILY 贊助一戶家庭 520 元

1. 台北富邦銀行 銀行代號 012
帳號: 4901 0202 2421

2. 信用卡 : https://goo.gl/KAf5Xh
3. PayPal / Credit Card: brightside.tw@gmail.com
4.通知 http://m.me/brightside.tw 或 brightside.tw@gmail.com


OOH CHA CHA 將2017年1月14日苗栗的禮物製作課程提供食蔬烤咖哩!Ooh Cha Cha 的宗旨就是提供好吃的全植物飲食、全食餐點,他們的菜單完全以全植物飲食的概念。配合最近涼涼的天氣,希望可以提供給孩子Ooh Cha Cha的咖哩暖身體!

贊助品項: 一餐(20多人份) 新台幣3000元
贊助目標: 兩餐 (12月16日及1月14日兩場活動)
總金額: 新台幣6000元

OOH CHA CHA is Taipei’s first fully vegan health bar bringing healthy and nutritious options. Their mission is to provide fresh, whole foods in a delicious way and have been a supporter of many of Bright Side Project’s initiatives. Their Roasted Veggie Curry is so delicious and packed full of nutritions including a hearty bowl of grains, spices and roasted vegetables – please consider sponsoring our gift creation workshop for 3,000NT so that kids can have a wonderful plant-based meal that warms their hearts and their bellies.

  • 共需2餐,還需2餐 0%
SPONSOR A PLANT-BASED MEAL 贊助孩子們植物性餐點 3,000 元

1. 台北富邦銀行 銀行代號 012
帳號: 4901 0202 2421

2. 信用卡 : https://goo.gl/KAf5Xh
3. PayPal / Credit Card: brightside.tw@gmail.com
4.通知 http://m.me/brightside.tw 或 brightside.tw@gmail.com



本協會將為每個家庭(清泉,台東)提供有機當地蔬果食材,毛毯、冬衣、鞋子及給孩子的小禮物,每戶的平均預算估計約為5000-6000元台幣。要求全新:如果可以捐孩子的保暖外套, 棉被,麻煩嘅我們聯絡! brightside.tw@gmail.com

贊助品項: 一戶家庭新台幣2,000元
贊助目標: 20戶
總金額: 新台幣40,000元

Bright Side Projects also provides necessities and small gifts when we deliver food staples to families in ChingChuan and Taitung. For the cost of 2,000NT per household it will go to buying things that families and children need to stay warm – whether it be blankets, mittens, or winter jackets. It also includes other plant-based food staples such as fresh fruits, cooking sauces, peanut butter. In addition we will also be conducting a Secret Santa so for those interested to receive the wishlist of a child next week, please email us at brightside.tw@gmail.com!

  • 共需20戶家庭 0%
贊助一戶家庭物質2000 元

1. 台北富邦銀行 銀行代號 012
帳號: 4901 0202 2421

2. 信用卡 : https://goo.gl/KAf5Xh
3. PayPal / Credit Card: brightside.tw@gmail.com
4.通知 http://m.me/brightside.tw 或 brightside.tw@gmail.com



2017冬日心願清單 – 部落家庭冬日心願  Winter Wishlist

2017冬日心願清單 – 部落家庭冬日心願 Winter Wishlist

這個冬季,為了孩子們以及婦女同胞,我們亟欲募款以提供營養的蔬果膳食、點心!臺灣嚮光協會所策辦的各式活動當中,健康、環境友善取向的蔬食料理一向是不可分割的獨特元素,而只要一人五百元的慷慨捐贈,不但能讓我們為年終的專題工作坊準備美味的純素餐點以及妝點寒冬的薑餅,還可以遞送基本的植物性食品給20個我們所知道最有可能受惠的家庭。希望大家可以協助我們! 嚮光協會是臺灣第一個希望透過富含創意的課程以達致充權,並且藉由內容豐富的活動以推廣蔬食餐飲的非營利機構。...

2016 蘭嶼佛卡夏麵包及導演與披薩工作坊


The post 2017冬日心願清單 Winter Wishlist appeared first on 臺灣嚮光協會 Bright Side Projects.

2017冬日心願清單 –部落家庭冬日心願 Winter Wishlist



2017冬日心願清單 - 部落家庭冬日心願




為了能及時將愛心在12月20日前送到家庭及孩子手上 (看進度可能1月份才有辦法送),此次募款和必需品捐贈的截止日期為12月10日。萬分感謝您的支持! 若有任何問題請email info@brightside.tw 聯繫我們!


Bright Side Projects is Taiwan’s first non profit association that concurrently promotes empowerment and plant-based foods through creation and content rich activities. Plant-based meals is a unique and integral component of all of our workshops.  Help us fulfill our Bright Side Projects Winter Wishlist by 12/10 so it takes so economic stress from expenditure. When you support local farmers, you also support a nutritious plant-based meal for a child this winter. Sponsor an item for a family and our partner will also donate a generous percentage of proceeds to a hot meals for children during gift creation workshop in January. Read more below!


Your generous donation through Santa Jia Xin Toys for Taiwan will cover the delicious vegan meal and treats for one child this winter in our gift creation workshop with musicians. It will also benefit the delivery of staple organic plant-based food to 20 families in ChingChuan (Hsinchu) and Taitung. Each family we support may have anywhere from one to six children to feed. To make this a reality, we need to raise close to $3,000 USD but we will do what we can with however much we are funded.

Our deadline is 12/10 for both monetary and items donations so we can personally deliver it to families and children in time on 12/2 in ChingChuan and at a later time to Taitung. Thank you for your support! Please contact us at info@brightside.tw if you have further questions.

2017 12/10 截止日期 DEADLINE









今年冬天,RUNIVORE 提供高品質及經過認證的有機燕麥片給所需家庭。在過去兩年半以來,RUNIVORE十分熱情地支持嚮光協會各種活動。

贊助品項: 每500公克燕麥/ 新台幣200元
贊助目標: 15公斤燕麥
總金額: 新台幣6000元
慈善捐助額: 總收入之10%

RUNIVORE is the premier supplier of providing high quality certified pesticide free organic oats for families this winter. RUNIVORE has been one of the biggest supporters of Bright Side Projects initiatives for the past year and half, supplying us with the best quality chia seeds and oats for families, children, and bake sale charity events. We are looking to provide each family with about 1KG of oats for 400 NT(15 KG of organic oats for approx 15 families at total $6,000NT). A generous 10% of the proceeds fulfilled from the RUNIVORE x Bright Side Projects wishlist will go back to communities.

  • 共需15KG 0%
SPONSOR A FAMILY 贊助一戶家庭 400 元

1. 台北富邦銀行 銀行代號 012
帳號: 4901 0202 2421

2. 信用卡 : https://goo.gl/KAf5Xh
3. PayPal : brightside.tw@gmail.com
4.通知 http://m.me/brightside.tw 或 brightside.tw@gmail.com



贊助品項: 4公斤稻米 新台幣520元 (運費另外算)
目標: 80公斤稻米
總金額: 新台幣10,400元
慈善捐助額: 總收入之20%
贊助一戶家庭: 4-6 公斤 / 新台幣540-780元

Hualien Friendly Farm is an amazing supplier of organic rice to the top plant-based restaurants in Taiwan.  Help us to provide organic white and brown rice from local farmers to local families. We are hoping to obtain 60 KG of rice at 580NT for every 4KG (total amount $10,400 NT). When you purchase rice for our wishlist from the, a very generous 20% will be donated on top to Bright Side Projects!


  • 共需80KG,還需80KG 0%
SPONSOR A FAMILY 贊助一戶家庭 520 元

1. 台北富邦銀行 銀行代號 012
帳號: 4901 0202 2421

2. 信用卡 : https://goo.gl/KAf5Xh
3. PayPal / Credit Card: brightside.tw@gmail.com
4.通知 http://m.me/brightside.tw 或 brightside.tw@gmail.com


OOH CHA CHA 將2017年1月14日苗栗的禮物製作課程提供食蔬烤咖哩!Ooh Cha Cha 的宗旨就是提供好吃的全植物飲食、全食餐點,他們的菜單完全以全植物飲食的概念。配合最近涼涼的天氣,希望可以提供給孩子Ooh Cha Cha的咖哩暖身體!

贊助品項: 一餐(20多人份) 新台幣3000元
贊助目標: 兩餐 (12月16日及1月14日兩場活動)
總金額: 新台幣6000元

OOH CHA CHA is Taipei’s first fully vegan health bar bringing healthy and nutritious options. Their mission is to provide fresh, whole foods in a delicious way and have been a supporter of many of Bright Side Project’s initiatives. Their Roasted Veggie Curry is so delicious and packed full of nutritions including a hearty bowl of grains, spices and roasted vegetables – please consider sponsoring our gift creation workshop for 3,000NT so that kids can have a wonderful plant-based meal that warms their hearts and their bellies.

  • 共需2餐,還需2餐 0%
SPONSOR A PLANT-BASED MEAL 贊助孩子們植物性餐點 3,000 元

1. 台北富邦銀行 銀行代號 012
帳號: 4901 0202 2421

2. 信用卡 : https://goo.gl/KAf5Xh
3. PayPal / Credit Card: brightside.tw@gmail.com
4.通知 http://m.me/brightside.tw 或 brightside.tw@gmail.com



本協會將為每個家庭(清泉,台東)提供有機當地蔬果食材,毛毯、冬衣、鞋子及給孩子的小禮物,每戶的平均預算估計約為5000-6000元台幣。要求全新:如果可以捐孩子的保暖外套, 棉被,麻煩嘅我們聯絡! brightside.tw@gmail.com

贊助品項: 一戶家庭新台幣2,000元
贊助目標: 20戶
總金額: 新台幣40,000元

Bright Side Projects also provides necessities and small gifts when we deliver food staples to families in ChingChuan and Taitung. For the cost of 2,000NT per household it will go to buying things that families and children need to stay warm – whether it be blankets, mittens, or winter jackets. It also includes other plant-based food staples such as fresh fruits, cooking sauces, peanut butter. In addition we will also be conducting a Secret Santa so for those interested to receive the wishlist of a child next week, please email us at brightside.tw@gmail.com!

  • 共需20戶家庭 0%
贊助一戶家庭物質2000 元

1. 台北富邦銀行 銀行代號 012
帳號: 4901 0202 2421

2. 信用卡 : https://goo.gl/KAf5Xh
3. PayPal / Credit Card: brightside.tw@gmail.com
4.通知 http://m.me/brightside.tw 或 brightside.tw@gmail.com



2017冬日心願清單 – 部落家庭冬日心願  Winter Wishlist

2017冬日心願清單 – 部落家庭冬日心願 Winter Wishlist

這個冬季,為了孩子們以及婦女同胞,我們亟欲募款以提供營養的蔬果膳食、點心!臺灣嚮光協會所策辦的各式活動當中,健康、環境友善取向的蔬食料理一向是不可分割的獨特元素,而只要一人五百元的慷慨捐贈,不但能讓我們為年終的專題工作坊準備美味的純素餐點以及妝點寒冬的薑餅,還可以遞送基本的植物性食品給20個我們所知道最有可能受惠的家庭。希望大家可以協助我們! 嚮光協會是臺灣第一個希望透過富含創意的課程以達致充權,並且藉由內容豐富的活動以推廣蔬食餐飲的非營利機構。...

2016 蘭嶼佛卡夏麵包及導演與披薩工作坊


The post 2017冬日心願清單 – 部落家庭冬日心願 Winter Wishlist appeared first on 臺灣嚮光協會 Bright Side Projects.

Helping Hands –陳智彥(牛蛙)Noah Chen (Bull Frog)

2017 世界音樂聖誕饗宴 Santa Jia-Xin World Music Youth Jam



嚮光協會將於2017年舉辦我們第一次的『世界音樂聖誕饗宴Santa Jia-Xin World Music Youth Jam』,讓台灣各地的音樂家一起參與陪伴孩子,介紹世界音樂文化,一起製作手作樂器,更重要的是在這個節慶的季節,大家聚在一起,分享音樂與溫暖,快來看看這次有哪些音樂家加入我們吧!

Bright Side Projects will be hosting our first 『世界音樂聖誕饗宴Santa Jia-Xin World Music Youth Jam』session throughout Taiwan starting in November and taking place through January 2018! Click below to get to know our teachers – an amazing roster of 7 with one-of-a-kind talents on unique instruments from Aussie’s indigenous Didgeridoo to handpans! They that will combine their talents to bring a new type of experience to kids!

2017 世界音樂聖誕饗宴

佳欣(Jia-Xin)是一位被一對慈愛的加拿大夫婦領養的小朋友。這位小朋友溫暖、慷慨,啟發本協會每年到全國各地與台灣孩童和家庭分享聖誕樹裝置(Toys for Taiwan),將Jia-Xin的慷慨大方帶到各地。至今,活動已經邁入第六年了!





聖誕大使Jia-Xin 是一位慷慨熱心的臺灣小女孩,被領養後移居加拿大。2012年11月,在因緣際會之下,我收到一封來自Jia-Xin養父的電子郵件,希望可以實現他當時年僅六歲的小女兒一個願望。由於JiaXin在臺灣從未慶祝過聖誕節,她期盼能夠在這樣歡騰喜樂的節日,分送禮物給有需要的人,傳遞一點點溫暖。一轉眼,六年過去了,每一年的聖誕佳節,我們都會分送生活必需品(食物、毛毯、外套)及禮物給各地孩童,實現JiaXin的心願。除了要四處蒐集大家的愛心禮物,分送禮物的地點往往也相當遙遠,如清泉部落,往返當地需要五個小時的車程。因此,有相當程度的經費是運用在交通之上。 首先,需要兩到三輛車載滿米、麵條、毛毯,及其他的家庭所需物資送到當地。物資送達後,我們還會再回去為孩子們舉辦工作坊,讓他們了解這個節日的意義並不僅止於接受禮物,更重要的是,大家能夠花時間聚在一起。

聖誕大使Jia-Xin 的夢想是將她得到的溫暖獻給全台灣,為了不讓這段遙遠的路程阻撓我們實現她夢想的這份心意,希望您能夠在12月10日前慷慨助援! 

Who is Santa Jia-Xin?

SANTA JIAXIN is a generous warmhearted little girl who was adopted from Taiwan and is now living in Canada. By a “chance” email back in November 2012 JiaXin’s father contacted me and asked me to fulfill a wish for his then little 6 year old girl. Believing she never celebrated the holidays when she was in Taiwan, she wanted to be able to provide gifts to those who would benefit the most from a little warmth during the festive season. For the past four years we were able to fulfill her wish via delivery of needed items (food, blankets, jackets) and gifts to the children.

In addition to picking up gifts that people donate, locations such as ChingChuan (2.5 hours each way) are quite far so a sizeable chunk of our funds are directed towards transportation. We require at least 2-3 cars filled up with sacks of rice, noodles, blankets, and other necessities for the families. We then go back at a later date for another session for a workshop with kids so that they understand the holidays are about spending time together, not just receiving gifts.


Inspired by the warmth and genorosity of a small Taiwanese child adopted by loving parents in Canada, we are on our fifth year of spreading the generosity of Jia-Xin and Toys for Taiwan to children and families throughout our country.

For our 2017  journey Bright Side Projects will empower kids to create their own gifts through music and artistry. As per custom, they will also give thanks to those who have been their by their side this tumultuous year and look forward to sharing delicious plant-based meals paired with gingerbread people cookies and hot cocoa.

To make this a reality, by December 10th we will need approximately 300,000NT ($10,000 USD) for three months worth of events 6 areas and one major food and necessiities drive to 15 families in ChingChuan and 5 families in Taitung. That works out to a little over $1000NT/$30 USD per child or woman and 6000 NTD/ $200 USD per family. With each milestone we will be able to outreach to more communities and do more with Bright Side Projects.

Will you join us with a small donation for year end activities? This year we are heading to Hsinchu, Taoyuan, Taipei, Taitung, Taichung, and MiaoLi.

DonateIcon hand



蘭嶼 聖誕節聖誕樹小怪物面具工作坊 Winter Workshop

佳欣短片 Jia-Xin’s Wishes for the Kids

2017 音樂家 Musician Roster

嚮光協會將於2017年舉辦我們第一次的『世界音樂聖誕饗宴Santa Jia-Xin World Music Youth Jam』,讓台灣各地的音樂家一起參與陪伴孩子,介紹世界音樂文化,一起製作手作樂器,更重要的是在這個節慶的季節,大家聚在一起,分享音樂與溫暖,快來看看這次有哪些音樂家加入我們吧!

Bright Side Projects will be hosting our first 『世界音樂聖誕饗宴Santa Jia-Xin World Music Youth Jam』session throughout Taiwan starting in November and taking place through January 2018! Click below to get to know our teachers – an amazing roster of 7 with one-of-a-kind talents on unique instruments from Aussie’s indigenous Didgeridoo to handpans! They that will combine their talents to bring a new type of experience to kids!


本協會持續將Jia-Xin慷慨大方的情懷帶給全台各地的家庭與孩童,如今已邁入第六個年頭。今年的工作坊中,希望藉由音樂培力活動賦予孩子力量與勇氣,在這個聖誕的季節,傳遞溫暖!2017年末嚮光協會希望能帶領孩子們利用身邊唾手可得意想不到的東西,做出自己的音樂!!一如往常,孩子們將有機會感謝在過去這艱辛的一年中,一直陪伴在他們身邊的人,一同饗用純素餐點! 跟台灣最棒的音樂家們一起玩音樂,一起JAM!!!


活動地點:台東、台中、苗栗幼安教養院, 台北臺灣關愛之家、桃園睦祥育幼院、新竹清泉部落等。



Santa Jia-Xin World Music Jam Info

We have something special lined up for our sixth year of Santa Jia-Xin year end celebrations! Breaking language barriers and borders, musical instruments from different cultures will unite the kids in our world music jam.

A roster of amazing musicians will lead us through understanding the culture and background of these fascinating instruments such as the didgeridoo, fiddle, drumming from buckets, and the hand pan from Taiwan’s premier and pioneers. Kids will have a chance to create upcycled instruments, give thanks to those who have provided support to them through this year, and jam with the musicians! Delicious cultural vegan meals mirroring the respective will also be sampled!

Kids will learn:
Music, culture, performance, artistic creation, food.
Interaction through games.
Social awareness of recycled materials.

Campaign Time: 2017/11/25-2018/1/14
Locations:Taitung, Taizhong, Miaoli, Taipei,Taoyuan, ChingChuan

Households:20 families
Participants:100 kids / 20 families





台東 / 新馬蘭部落 Taitung ShinMaLan Tribe

參加禮物製作工作坊的小朋友數目: 15位,年齡約從7~13歲。

活動報名 Register: https://goo.gl/6jE6FL
更多 More: https://www.facebook.com/events/501877910190782/


Fantastic! This time we have Noah Chen from one of Taiwan’s hottest indie bands to create upcycled drums with the indigenous Amis kids of ShinMaLan! We will be taking on the essence of jazz and learn about racism, history, and musical appreciation.

桃園 /睦祥育幼院 Taoyuan MuHsiang Children's Home

老師 Teachers:安格, 慶洲, 阿泰, 保羅
參加禮物製作工作坊的小朋友數目: 15位, 中餐26位孩子,年齡約從7~18歲。

More: https://www.facebook.com/events/880275428814174/


Kids at Taoyuan’s MuHsiang Children’s Home will have a chance to jam with four musicians and give thanks to those who have provided support to them through this year! Delicious cultural vegan meals mirroring the respective will also be sampled! This will be the biggest musician jam with 4 participating!

台北 / 關愛之家 Taipei Harmony Home

日期:12/6 TBC
參加禮物製作工作坊的小朋友數目: 10位,年齡約從2~15歲。

社團法人台灣關愛之家協會維護愛滋感染者生活品質,提供感染者人道與人性關懷, 生活照顧臨時住所,使其恢復健康與社會接續之中心,並以輔導心理重建信心


As per custom, we will head to Harmony Home this year as volunteers to hang out with the kids. Anyone is welcome to come, no set time or course.

台中 / 慈馨兒少之家 Taichung TzeSheng Halfway House

日期:2016 1/7
老師: 安格, Fuso
參加禮物製作工作坊的小朋友數目: 15位,年齡約從5~14歲。

地點 : 台中市私立慈馨兒少之家 / 401-49台中市東區東英路303 號

這次我們邀請到台灣ASALATO TAIWAN跟蒐SoulDays Studio的兩位音樂家安格和Fuso一起到慈馨兒少之家陪伴孩子,體驗Asalato與手碟之美,手作DIY樂器!

臉書活動頁: https://www.facebook.com/events/127464527937027/

活動皆需要以下的幫手:老師, 純素主廚、攝影師、與大朋友

We have guest musicians Fuso (ASALATO Taiwan) and Angus (Handpan) join us in Taichung today for our jamming session and creating instruments out of upcycled materials!

新竹/清泉部落 HsinChu ChingChuan

日期:2016 11/26
老師:小萬Mr. one慶洲Brian
參加鬆餅早餐工作坊的小朋友數目: 12-15位,年齡約從5~14歲。


次我們很榮幸邀請到台灣北部致力於Didgeridoo推廣的慶洲跟新竹Mr.One Cajon 品牌創辦人小萬老師共襄盛舉, 陪伴清泉的孩子一起享受音樂的洗禮!非常期待兩位老師與孩子會擦出什麼樣的火花!!



So fortunate to have Brian lead the way with the Didgeridoo again, this time with Hsinchu’s Mr. One, the top Cajon musician in the country! Will you join the indigenous Atayal kids in creating music? Sign up now!

苗栗 / 幼安教養院 Miaoli YuAn Shelter

日期:2017 1/13-1/14
參加禮物製作工作坊的小朋友數目: 12-16 位,年齡約從10~25歲。


這次我們很榮幸邀請到巴奇先生(Papi Bucket)『巴奇』代表桶子(Bucket)與林慶洲 Brian Lin!

Kids at MiaoLi’s YuAn Shelter are already extremely talented in music, performing to fundraise on a regular basis. We are definitely looking forward to what the musicians and kids have to teach and share with each other during this very unique jamming session! Always lacking in Big Friend volunteers so hope you can make it out and get to know the didgeridoo and bucket drumming.

新竹/清泉部落 Hsinchu ChingChuan


日期 : 12/20 聖誕小姐Jia-Xin 的麋鹿專送團隊

贊助物質: http://brightside.tw/2017-winter-wishlist/

** 12月20日在清泉的活動還需要一位聖誕老公公!不限年齡與性別 **

Help us fulfill our Bright Side Projects Winter Wishlist by 12/10 so it takes so economic stress from expenditure. When you support local farmers, you also support a nutritious plant-based meal for a child this winter. Sponsor an item for a family and our partner will also donate a generous percentage of proceeds to a hot meals for children during gift creation workshop in January. Read more here!

2012 – 新竹清泉 /家庭5戶

2013 – 新竹清泉家庭8戶/ 桃園育幼院 /台北關愛之家

2014 新竹清泉家庭10戶 /桃園睦祥育幼院/台北關愛之家

2015 新竹清泉家庭12戶 /桃園睦祥育幼院/台北關愛之家/蘭嶼/台東新馬蘭

2016 新竹清泉家庭15戶/台東家庭30戶(米) /桃園睦祥育幼院/台北關愛之家/蘭嶼/台東新馬蘭/苗栗幼安教養院






Six years of Love

We’ve always had excellent support from the community. We firmly believe that holidays is not about material items but also about spending time together. Thus a hefty portion of our budget are funneled to workshops (plus transportation).

In 2012 we created vegan cupcake workshop to spend time with the kids. In 2013 we decorated vegan gingerbread cookies and made ornaments. Most recently in 2014 we had chocolate and caramel apple lollipops in addition to adding tie-dye workshops to add an extra splash of color during these chilly winter months. A ‘forest’ of thank you trees were forged from nature and clay. In 2015 a one-story Christmas tree was forged from plastic bottles and sewless dolls created from upcycled clothing. 2016 we brought woodcraft to the villages and orphanges.

With strategic planning and community outpouring of generosity, in our second and third year we have also included bringing the holiday cheer to Harmony Home and MuHsiang Children’s Home. Since we return to the community, has been so amazing each year to watch the children grow.

This is our year end staple celebration and we look forward to it each time! For four years, we’ve had such wonderful support from the local communities, especially in ChingChuan. LaLing Yumin, a local community organizer, Principal Chen (陳聖源) and Principal Su (蘇美娟) from the TaoShan Elementary School, and Father Barry plus Hanna from the Catholic Church. Now we also excitingly include 台東新馬蘭Fukid部落’s 郭幼慈 as a supporting member in our Neighborhood. We can always count on our wonderful gaggle of Big Friends to make the meaningful trip to the beautiful mountains. Because we open up the workshops to the public and also take gift items from individuals, hundreds of people get involved each year. This might not be the most efficient way but we believe in community. For that to happen again this year, we need your help yet again.

DonateIcon hand

贊助 Support

Music & Gift Creation Workshop 嚮光x佳欣工作坊 -/5 個地點/6 場活動 /100位小朋友


This is in addition to the Gift & Necessities Drive for families and children as we hope those who participate as recipients in the drive can also feel that the holidays are about spending time together over a cup of hot cocoa and not simply about receiving gifts. Check out more information above our our Music Jam!


Vegan Meals 為台灣而吃-純素食物 / 6 場工作坊/100位小朋友

基本上工作坊是整天的, 因此我們一定要提供營養可口的餐點給小朋友們,我們也很樂意這麼做。 我們會提供以蔬果為主的食物以及一些低卡的點心和一杯熱可可。小型的工作坊(關愛之家) 會示範或是教他們現場製做以節慶為主題的點心。譬如薑餅人或是焦糖蘋果片。本些會希望每一次的工作坊中,我們都能夠提供高品質的食材。

Workshops are generally a full day so we must provide hot nutritious food for children, which we are more than happy to do. Plant-based creations are made along with light snacks and a cup of hot cocoa. Kids will also have a hand in making their own vegan sweets such as decorating gingerbread people, oatmeal raisin cookies, or caramel apple slices. With each workshop and each year we are aiming to provide even high quality ingredients for meals.

Household Necessities for 20 Families 台灣家庭所需之生活必需品及禮物 (20戶家庭)

本協會將為每個家庭提供有機當地蔬果食材、毛毯、冬衣、鞋子及給孩子的小禮物,每戶的平均預算估計約為5000 元台幣。


贊助: 2017冬日心願清單 – 部落家庭冬日心願

Families and children that are part of the yearly gift & necessities drive will obtain much needed items for their household in addition to the creation workshop session in January. For each family we estimate a cost of approximately $200 USD (5,000-6,000NTD), this has included items such as organic local foods, fresh fruits, blankets, warm clothes, shoes, and a small gift for children.

  • Delivery is to individual families as we work with TaoShan Elementary School and the local church for the recipient list.
  • Approximately 60-70% of the budget will be purchasing non-perishable plant-based foods
  • Last year we worked with Buy Directly From Farmers直接跟農夫買社 and this year will outreach to more local farmers and vegan businesses.
  • This year we are sourcing local organic rice from Hualien farmers from HuaLian Friendly Farm  and fresh made and jarred items from local vegan stores
  • We have sourced pesticide free oats from RUNIVORE who has been a solid partner and supporter of Bright Side Projects endeavors.

Support our wishlist here!

Transportation 聖誕大使佳欣的麋鹿專送 / 台東、蘭嶼、台北、桃園,新竹, 台中)



桃園: 搭乘大眾運輸系統單程約2小時。開車單程45分鐘。
清泉: 搭乘大眾運輸系統單程約4小時,開車單程2.5小時
台中:  搭乘大眾運輸系統單程約2.5小時,開車單程2小時
台東: 搭乘大眾運輸系統單程約4.5小時,開車單程7小時

光是蘭嶼的交通費,船票要美金$72元 , 機票美金$90元。若6位志工前往便需美金$500元。本協會將替核心幹部支出此費用,但有些團隊成員則需自己負擔此費用。許多大朋友為了參加本活動,除了須請假外,更是無償志工。若是再加上開車至桃園以及兩次到清泉 (一次都出2—3台車),每次的油資及過路費用,所有為了收集物資過程中的產生運費,$1,200元是很保守的估算,雖然可能無法全額支付所需費用,但我們仍舊非常感謝您的支持。

People like the idea of convenience – but getting items to where those who may benefit from the resources is not always about that. Our core group is based in Taipei and we have on-site locals in each of the locations. But with many of our talents and resources prepped at our base, we need to sort and get them out.

From Taipei to–>

Taoyuan: by public transport 2 hours each way / by personal vehicle 45 minutes each way
ChingChuan: by public transport 4 hours each way / by personal vehicle 2.5 hours each way
Taitung: by public transport 4.5 hours each way / by personal vehicle 7 hours each way
Orchid Island: by public transport 9 hours each way / by personal transport 12 hours each way (ferry is 3.5 hours, flight is 20 minutes)

Just for Orchid Island the cost for the ferry is approximately $72 USD, airfare $90 USD. For team of six costs approximately $500. Driving down will be about $155 per vehicle with gasoline and tolls – but split into two cars as we also pack equipment and different time schedules.  In addition there are 1-2 people who will take the train down.  They are taking 8 days off work and will be receiving no pay for their participation in this event.

If we add in the drives out to Taoyuan and twice to ChingChuan with 2-3 cars each time gasoline and toll fees, logistics of purchasing and gathering items before the event, $1,200 is a very conservative budget that might not cover what we need to the full extent but we would really appreciate your support on this.

Reindeer Delivery 聖誕Jia-Xin 的小精靈

和我們一同前往各地的核心成員包括 Daisy Lin, Rhea Chou Starry 又又JiaChi 嘉琪, Ken Wang, Noah Chen , XiaYi Su。每個地點我們都希望能為當地的社群開設工作坊,並且在課前會針對志工們及參與老師提供嚮光協會的訓練課程。所有地點的課程都開放給大眾參加—現在就加入我們,將可持續收到最新消息!

Our core group that will be heading to the locations include Daisy Lin, Rhea Chou Starry 又又JiaChi 嘉琪, Ken Wang, Noah Chen, and XiaYi Su!  In each location we hope to open up workshops to local community and will conduct a BSP Training session beforehand. Public registration to the events will be available for all locations – keep posted and join us now!


您願意加入我們的旅程,一同幫助Jia-Xin 實現她的夢想嗎?
如果你有任何其他問題, 請透過brightside.tw@gmail.com 連絡我們。你也能在臉書 #santajiaxin 或以下網頁:

聖誕樹裝置: http://santajiaxin.org https://fb.me/santajiaxin
嚮光協會: https://fb.me/brightside.tw



Will you join our journey so Jia-Xin’s dream can come true? If you have any further questions, please contact us at brightside.tw@gmail.com. You can also find us and keep updated on the latest Jiaxin activities on Facebook #santajiaxin

Santa Jia-Xin: http://santajiaxin.org and https://fb.me/santajiaxin
Bright Side Projects: https://fb.me/brightside.tw

Thank you for your generosity and love for the children of Taiwan!



The post 2017 世界音樂聖誕饗宴 Santa Jia-Xin World Music Youth Jam appeared first on 臺灣嚮光協會 Bright Side Projects.

活動報告: 2017 11/13 MiaoLi Sushi Course 苗栗幼安教養院 日本文化壽司流水麵體驗坊



苗栗的課程總是很缺陪伴孩子的大朋友,為了能多花時間在孩子身邊,所以我們總是在前一天晚上熬夜先將大部分的食材準備完成!Our time with the kids at MiaoLi’s YuAn Children’s Home is limited and precious, we loved being here to make plant-based sushi and introduce the Japanese summer game of flowing noodles to them! English below.

這一次帶領孩子一起做自己的純素手做壽司,從調製醋飯開始,大小朋友一起一步一步循序漸進,把飯鋪平在竹捲上,加上自己愛吃的食材,這次我們準備了酪梨、紅蘿蔔、黃瓜、素鬆還有泡菜!捲起來酸酸甜甜的滋味,孩子們都好喜歡呢! 我們也藉著機會跟孩子介紹日本壽司文化,孩子們聽得好認真,也很熱烈的跟我們分享他們愛吃的壽司!搭配壽司當然不能少了味增湯!用蔬菜與蘿蔔熬了一晚的湯底,加入營養豐富的菇類與有機純素味增,好喝到孩子一下就通通喝光啦!



老師 Teacher:Daisy Lin
大朋友 Big Friends: Rufen Cheng, 陳智彥
廚師 Chef : 周純卉
攝影師:Yo Yo

贊助者 Sponsors:
全植食尚 Vegeholic x Happy Tuesday – 家 ・ 分享 ・ 沙龍 | Anne Lin | MOODI WOOD 傢櫥 Carol Wu | Jimmy Sun Jet Sunny 捷式股份有限公 | Richard Jack/ Sarah Milne | 布拉德施維根廚房 Brother Su Vegan Kitchen | 宋偉萍 | 黃嘉華 | 施中民

Thank you
您也可以贊助孩子,贊助婦女,贊助我們!SUPPORT US!

We know that the youth and adults are so attentive here and have plenty of experience in the kitchen but are always passionate to learn more. Our numerous delicious plant-based options for sushi included kimchi, vegetarian floss, cucumbers, carrots, and sweet potatoes. For lunch we combined this with radish miso soup and our famous fresh fruit salad.

After the delicious lunch that kids with the main course of sushi made for themselves, we gathered outside in the sun for flowing noodle game. Some were faster to adept to the quick flow of the water with their chopsticks but everyone helped everyone else out to grab a bite.

We are always looking for more Big Friends to join us here, engaging with the disabled youth and adults at Yu-An. Please join us next time as we always have great events lined up – come brighten their day and let love change the world!

活動報告:2017/12/3 桃園睦祥育幼院 世界音樂聖誕饗宴 Taoyuan Jia-Xin World Music Jam




Our second session for the Santa Jia-Xin Music Jam took place at our familiar haunt in Taoyuan with the kids at MuHsiang! I was absolutely blown away by the four musicians in our lineup – from Brian Lin with the didgeridoo, Angus and the handpan, Papi Bucket with his slew of percussions, and street fiddle performer Ah-Tay (Tiger). ENGLISH BELOW







老師 Teacher
林慶洲 Brian Lin : http://brightside.tw/helping-hands-brian-lin/
黃泰元 Tiger Huang: http://brightside.tw/helping-hands-tiger-jango/
李承宇 Angus Li : http://brightside.tw/helping-hands-angus/
巴奇先生 Papi Bucket : http://brightside.tw/helping-hands-papi-bucket/

攝影師:鄭又綺 | 李仁豪
大朋友 Big Friends:鄭如棻 | Edie Tsai | Olga Kondukova | 周君俞 | 周育如| 佳惠 | Noah Chen | Xiayi Su | Rhea Chou | Daisy Lin | 蘇嘉琦
廚師Chef:Rhea Chou, Xiayi Su

贊助者 Sponsors: Yuting Hung​ | MOODI WOOD 傢櫥​ Carol Wu​ | Jet Sunny 捷式股份有限公 Jimmy Sun​ | Plants​ 植宿餐飲股份有 | 魚鋪鋪日本代購 | Lulu Chandler​ | 宋偉萍 | 譚羽湘 | 林晅瑄 | 宋端端 | 鐘少庭 | 鄭英美 | 馬緯中 | 嘉樂思國際商行 | 蕭賀韶 / 友善態度自然農園 | Rita Yeh 葉映汝 | 黃意雯 | 陳慶霖 | 劉云白 | 謝淑芬 | 呂俊彥 | 黃俊誌 | 陳哲勝 | 廖怡寧 | 邱俊源 | 王義鈞 | 沈梅宜 | 吳夢承 | 詹瑋瑋 | 陳方健 | 黃慈瑩 | 林佩怡 | Richard Jack/ Sarah Milne​ | Cory Lewandowski​ | Tracie Rosenberg​ and Jeremy Rosenberg​ | Jill & Jordan Olivier | Terry & Guylaine Furness | Stacey Beckett | Grammy & Grampy Robinson | Brenda Wendt | Sarah Mcdonald | Jonathan Markow | Su Mo | Monica Mead | Cathie Bordon | Marla Rosenberg | Laura & Jeff Bryer | TIA RIEBLING | Oliver Green | Sam Green | Jonathan and Gemma Green | Rob Silva | Jen Bellenger | Bruce and Sharon | Ramsay Curtis | Norman MacDonald | 全植食尚 Vegeholic​ | Happy Tuesday – 家 ・ 分享 ・ 沙龍​ | Anne Lin

特別感謝 Special Thanks: 桃園睦祥育幼院, 劉緣玉
您也可以贊助孩子,贊助婦女,贊助我們!SUPPORT US!

Our second session for the Santa Jia-Xin Music Jam took place at our familiar haunt in Taoyuan with the kids at MuHsiang! I was absolutely blown away by the four musicians in our lineup – from Brian Lin with the didgeridoo, Angus and the handpan, Papi Bucket with his slew of percussions, and street fiddle performer Ah-Tay (Tiger).

Using the five senses, we first had kids guess the music instrument that musicians had lined up – trying to determine the material, the size, and if they had ever seen it before. The individuals were unveiled, introducing the background and culture of their peculiar items.

Kids were enthusiastic, asking questions and wanting to give a go at tackling some of the instruments they had never seen before! We had a bigger purpose for the kids and session today – everyone would form a band and perform a jam from everyday objects. Musicians each headed a group of kids paired with Big Friends, walking around MuHsiang Children’s Home, picking up and selecting knick knacks, pans, brooms, desks, and everything imaginable!

There was more after the first performance – they were to prep to get dance moves ready with the second music and dance session. However, we first moved onto another important part of the day with our plant-based lunch. Tying music and culture together, we also wanted to give the kids (and ourselves) a chance to eat some of the cuisine where the instruments originated. One of our volunteers spent the entire night before making damper bread, a traditional Australian soda bread, historically prepared by swagmen, drovers, stockmen and other travellers.

After lunch we went back to the music and the dancing – absolute joy! We even had the groups shoot potential “cover albums” with their band members. After the jam and even break dancing, the four musicians began their jam and silenced the entire children’s home with the amazing melodies. Kids were in rapture and disbelief that their teachers for the day were so amazing but we were also in awe of the them!

Kids creating music and seeing their joy was the biggest gift to us this holiday season. We are so excited for you to hear the impromptu jam of kids, big friends, and our musician teachers. Look back to our space for the video we are editing and please support us and the children for more amazing days like this day!

活動報告: 2017 12/16 ASALATO –台中慈馨兒少之家世界音樂文化體驗 Jia-Xin World Music Jam Part 3



It has been destiny to begin our new friendship with Taichung’s TzeKuang Halfway House. Although it’s just the beginning of a lifelong journey, it feels like each time we step foot here, we’ve simply arrived home. (English below)


這次很榮幸邀請到台南致力於推廣世界樂器『西非迦納旋轉打擊沙鈴ASALATO』的Fuso Chen與他的夥伴ASALATO TAIWAN的成員們,還有台北蒐Souldays品牌主理人,同時也是瑞士神秘樂器手牒的大師Angus,一起跟孩子介紹來自世界各地不同的樂器與文化,另外Fuso老師也教大家怎麼把廢棄的扭蛋殼化腐朽為神奇,讓孩子自己動手打洞、黏貼、穿繩、打結再加入各種植物的種子,好玩又環保的自製ASALATO就完成拉!

午餐特別準備了Ooh Cha Cha每年冬天都會推出的特製純植咖哩搭配營養健康的黎麥飯、澳洲Damper麵包還有應景的花椰菜榭寄生、BBQ蘑菇、香煎薯塊、水果沙拉!豐盛的聖誕大餐讓大小朋友都吃得很滿足,心也暖了起來!


孩子們學會了怎麼玩音樂玩ASALATO後,ASALATO TAIWAN的成員們也小露身手與Angus的手碟、鋼琴搭配,給了全場的大小朋友們帥氣又震撼的一系列演出,真的太棒太厲害了!表演完孩子們也技癢的以唱歌跳舞回敬,霎時間兒少之家的聖誕歡樂氣氛感染了現場的每一個人,我想這就是音樂的力量吧!



更多照片: https://goo.gl/bVpsY8

老師 Teacher:Fuso Chen, Angus Lee
大朋友 Big Friends:Rufen Cheng, 吳軒宇,熊子語僊,ASALATO TAIWAN男子團體 毛怪, 殿殿, 志祿
廚師 Chef: 周純卉,蘇夏儀
攝影師:Daisy Lin, 李仁豪 好人攝影

贊助者 Sponsors:
Yuting Hung | Jet Sunny 捷式股份有限公  | Plants 植宿餐飲股份有  | Lily Lin  | April Lala | 魚鋪鋪日本代購 | Lulu Chandler | 宋偉萍 | 譚羽湘 | 林晅瑄 | 宋端端 | 鐘少庭 | 鄭英美 | 馬緯中 |Ooh Cha Cha​ 舞茶茶有限公司 |  Gv Kant​ Oye Punjabi 哦耶!旁遮普 Indian Restaurant​ 印捷國際有限公司 | Paula Perry | 嘉樂思國際商行 | 蕭賀韶 / 友善態度自然農園 | Rita Yeh 葉映汝 | 葉元元 Helen Yeh |

黃意雯 | 陳慶霖 | 劉云白 | 謝淑芬 | 呂俊彥 | 黃俊誌 | 陳哲勝 | 廖怡寧 | 邱俊源 | 王義鈞 | 沈梅宜 | 吳夢承 | 詹瑋瑋 | 陳方健 | 黃慈瑩 | 林佩怡 | Richard Jack/Sarah Milne | Cory Lewandowski | Tracie and Jeremy Rosenberg | Jill & Jordan Olivier | Terry & Guylaine Furness | Stacey Beckett | Grammy & Grampy Robinson | Brenda Wendt | Sarah Mcdonald | Jonathan Markow | Su Mo | Monica Mead | Cathie Bordon | Marla Rosenberg | Laura & Jeff Bryer | TIA RIEBLING | Oliver Green | Sam Green | Jonathan and Gemma Green | Rob Silva | Jen Bellenger | Bruce and Sharon | Ramsay Curtis | Norman MacDonald

特別感謝 Special Thanks: Elmina Wa | 喬鈺婷 | Mini Lee | Ooh Cha Cha | April Lala | Rachel Wang | 台中慈馨兒少之家

您也可以贊助孩子,贊助婦女,贊助我們!SUPPORT US!


Continuing with our series of World Music Jam thanks to Santa Jia-Xin, this session creating asalatos was led by Fuso Chen and his merry gang. We we also so ecstatic that Souldays founder, Asia’s most premier handpan musician Angus Lee came back for a second session with us and a whole new group of kids and Big Friends.

Using upcycled toy capsules Fuso took everyone through the process of creating their own musical instruments. Red beans and other staple foods served as the materials inside the capsules for the signature “clack” effect. Kids were able to start from an object that was destined for the trash can and create not just their own instruments but then be able to jam alongside the teacher with it. We hope with this lesson, kids can be able to become inspired that with a little creativity and a bit of time, amazing things can happen!

Lunch was served, featuring our homemade fruit salad, damper bread in various flavors, intricately diced reindeer on an amazing vegetable platter, and Ooh Cha Cha’s seasonal Roasted Veggie Curry.

More images:  https://goo.gl/bVpsY8


Helping Hands –蔣穎萱 ( 瞇瞇) Mimi Chiang



蔣穎萱 Mimi Chiang





I like interacting with people, and I also like to hear everyone’s unique life story so I was in the department of social work during college.  My previous occupation was at a foundation providing assistance to the disabled, as well as vulnerable groups. Working for three years with kids with disabilities I was not only a teacher, a student, but also a friend. There are many stories and cherished memories from my time there!

In the five years that I have been a social worker, I stood from the perspective of those I was working alongside with. There was no division or inequality in our interaction; there wasn’t much I did but despite this one can also become an integral part of someone’s life, someone’s story. Through this view I also came to understand myself.

I also enjoy sharing things with people and after falling in love with cooking, I interact and express love through this. Although I have changed my career path I still take the same concept and passion of aiding and caring for others.

Helping Hands –施逸翔 Shih YiHsiang



施逸翔 Shih YiHsiang



YiHsiang is active and vigilant in the human rights scene in Taiwan, concurrently working to adhere the standards of the United Nation Declaration for Human Rights  onto local issues. Some of the social issues YiHsiang highlights include migrant workers rights, children’s rights, Tibetan freedom, and abolishment of the death penalty. They currently serve as the deputy secretary general of the Taiwan Association for Human Rights.

  • 現職
    • 台灣人權促進會 副秘書長


    • 2006年6月,私立東吳大學文學院哲學系碩士班畢業,論文題目《懲罰理論與轉型正義―暴行之責任》,指導教授為陳瑤華教授。
    • 2002年6月,私立東吳大學文學院中國文學系、哲學系雙主修畢業。


    • 2011年8月起,擔任「兩公約施行監督聯盟」執行秘書,並參與民間影子報告的相關工作。
    • 2010年10月至2011年7月,擔任「落實兩公約施行法之政策研究」之專案研究助理。
    • 2006年12月至2008年2月,財團法人台灣促進和平文教基金會,國內事務部專員,任內承辦各項活動、行政事務、撰寫新聞稿。
    • 2006年12月迄今,社團法人台灣人權促進會志工,積極參與各項人權議題與行動,包括捍衛樂生院人權、聲援慰安婦阿嬤、聲援丹增德勒仁波切、西藏人權議題、蘇案與廢除死刑、新移民女性的人權議題、跨國移工的勞動人權、反對集遊惡法、性別平等與同志人權、聲援翁山蘇姬以及緬甸人權、兩公約監督聯盟、反貧困聯盟、青年要好野。
    • 2005年9月迄今,關注菲律賓人權議題,不定期翻譯與宣傳菲律賓人權侵害訊息,並多次赴台北馬尼拉經濟文化辦事處抗議菲律賓政治暗殺事件。
    • 2005年8月13日至19日,參與菲律賓「國際團結任務」,調查政治暗殺與人權侵犯案件。
    • 2004年7月10日至16日,完成愛爾蘭大學人權中心「國際刑事法庭」夏季課程,並參與「責任與正義國際研討會」。
    • 2003年2月至2005年8月,以義工身份參與東吳大學人權學程的籌備工作,並編輯張佛泉人權研究中心的《人權通訊》創刊號至第四期。

Helping Hands –李瓊蝶 Milla Lee






Teacher Milla guides each person to realize their full potential through various series of self introspection in art and dance. She believes that we all have a powerful force within us but has become dulled as we grow up; hopes that in getting to know ourselves and through expressions of compassion, our inner beauty can shine through!

走探索去藝術實驗室  創辦人 https://www.facebook.com/LetsExploreArtLaboratory/
創辦走探索去藝術實驗室 \ 華梵大學美術系
MIA LU藝術工作室 \ 專案管理
Mama Mia親子館 StartheART \ Messy art 藝術老師
法藍瓷想像計劃 \ 老老藝術家與小小藝術家擔任教學策劃
省府日常散策 \ 在地文化工作坊

活動報告: 2018/1/6當秘魯遇上澳洲-木箱鼓與Didgeridoo音樂文化 Santa Jia-Xin World Music Jam Part 4



一連幾場的Santa Jia-Xin聖誕音樂饗宴活動,這是我們唯一碰到下雨的一天,尤其是來到新竹清泉的山裡,陰雨碰上霧氣冷天,本來正要蔓延開來的morning blue,卻在看到孩子們的那瞬間被吹散了~


清泉孩子們的活潑可愛,一直都是讓我們印象深刻的,所以這次我們特別邀請到了出場如同偶像般的 Mr.One Cajon 小萬神老師,來帶孩子們打木箱鼓,再配上神秘嗓音的澳洲迪管 Didgeridoo Brian Lin 慶洲老師,一起引領孩子們體驗異國音樂結合的新文化。




最後要特別介紹,這次敬時里里的私房廚師,Olivia Tu 敬萱也加入了我們,讓音樂饗宴之外,還有「美食饗宴」~!!!食物一端上來,孩子們馬上衝過來排隊,純素食的牧羊人派、蔬食沙拉裡面加了新鮮的無花果、核桃…還有蔬菜燉飯,每一樣都讓大小朋友讚不絕口,再次驗證食物的魔力,所有人的腸胃也都需要美食相伴滴!

老師 Teacher:王萬沂 Mr. Cajon, 林慶洲 Brian Lin
大朋友 Big Friends: 熊語僊, 林品秀, 歐閔, Rhea Chou, Daisy Lin, XiaYi Su, 鄭如棻
廚師 Chef: 杜敬萱 Olivia Tu, 方曼婷 Mandy Fang
攝影師:JiaChi Su, 李仁豪

蘇美娟, 林育宏, 丁神父 Father Barry Martinson, 桃山國小

Yuting Hung | Jet Sunny 捷式股份有限公 Jimmy Sun | Plants 植宿餐飲股份有  Lily Lin | April Lala | 魚鋪鋪日本代購 | Lulu Chandler | 宋偉萍 | 譚羽湘 | 林晅瑄 | 宋端端 | 鐘少庭 | 鄭英美 | 馬緯中 |Ooh Cha Cha​ 舞茶茶有限公司  Mai Bach |  Gv Kant​ Oye Punjabi 哦耶!旁遮普 Indian Restaurant​ 印捷國際有限公司 | Paula Perry | 嘉樂思國際商行 | 蕭賀韶 / 友善態度自然農園 | Rita Yeh 葉映汝 | 葉元元 Helen Yeh | April La La | 黃意雯 | 陳慶霖 | 劉云白 | 謝淑芬 | 呂俊彥 | 黃俊誌 | 陳哲勝 | 廖怡寧 | 邱俊源 | 王義鈞 | 沈梅宜 | 吳夢承 | 詹瑋瑋 | 陳方健 | 黃慈瑩 | 林佩怡 | Richard Jack/Sarah Milne | Cory Lewandowski | Tracie and Jeremy Rosenberg | 全植食尚 Vegeholic | Happy Tuesday – 家 ・ 分享 ・ 沙龍 | Jill & Jordan Olivier | Terry & Guylaine Furness | Stacey Beckett | Grammy & Grampy Robinson | Brenda Wendt | Sarah Mcdonald | Jonathan Markow | Su Mo | Monica Mead | Cathie Bordon | Marla Rosenberg | Laura & Jeff Bryer | TIA RIEBLING | Oliver Green | Sam Green | Jonathan and Gemma Green | Rob Silva | Jen Bellenger | Bruce and Sharon | Ramsay Curtis | Norman MacDonald | 李文馨 | 歐寶惠 | Julie Shih

We had just delivered necessities and gifts to households in ChingChuan just two weeks prior, so being able to spend time with some of the children really meant a lot to us. It was also heartwarming to see their eyes light up as they recognized some of the Big Friends return.

With our fourth session of the World Music Jam with the invitation extended from Brian Lin (Didgeridoo), we were able to invite Mr. One. This was the first class to experience the cheerful beats of the cajon instrument and which kids also created their own from Cajon’s cardboard boxes. In theme with a “happy life” images of a sun, whale, snowman, family and other scenes the children decided were drawn and painted.

We topped off the day with an amazing lunch by private chef Olivia Tu and Mandy Fang; highlighting vegan shepherd’s pie (harkening to Australia), scrumptious fresh salad with figs and grapefruit, fancy savory potato tarts, and a delightful risotto.

The day concluded with a music jam with their new instruments and winded down with a body movement class led by XiaYi that furthered our interaction and fun. A little holiday greetings came in the form of kids creating their own raw snowpeople desserts from coconut flakes, cashew nuts, and dates! Please continue to support Bright Side Projects and the children!

2017 3/17 苗栗 木箱鼓與舞蹈課程 Movement and Percussion (Miaoli)



DON’T MISS OUT our music and dance workshop in Miaoli YuAn Shelter which provides resources for youth and adults with disabilities! We are going to have a special day at YuAn Shelter’s home again – these are kids who already play instruments for fundraising!MOre in English below.
音樂與舞蹈是世界的共通語言,這一次我們邀請到 台灣自創品牌Mr.One Cajon 創辦人 小萬老師 與走探索去藝術實驗室 創辦人 Milla,一起帶大家認識音樂、認識孩子也認識自己!
地點: 苗栗幼安教養院/苗栗縣苗栗市新英里17鄰新英105號 / https://goo.gl/maps/R63nvosMx4t
日期/時間:3/17 ; 8:00 - 15:00 (8:00從台北出發)
課程費用 (材料,純素中餐,不包含交通): 200NTD
報名方式 3/14前報名 / 限制: 10位大朋友) :
1. 必須填 同意書:https://goo.gl/pM7GnT
2. 嚮光會跟你聯絡確認報名資料,交通方式課程3天前會再次做確認。
Milla: http://brightside.tw/helping-hands-milla-lee/
Kids will learn:
Education/Skills: music,,dance, art, culture
Interpersonal Skills: Teamwork, presentation skills
Big Friend Tasks: working in teams, safety of kids , creating music
Date: 3/17 Saturday 8:00 - 15:00(8:00 leaving Taipei)
Location:Yu An Children’s Home/No.105, Xinying, Miaoli City, Miaoli County / https://goo.gl/maps/R63nvosMx4t
How to Register (RSVP before 3/14 ; Maximum 10 pax)
1. Must fill out google form: https://goo.gl/pM7GnT
2. We will confirm your spot within 72 hours and rideshare info approximately 1 week beforehand.
Workshop Sliding Scale Fee: 200NT covers workshop materials plus #plantbased lunch for you and the kids! Not inclusive of transportation.

活動報告: 2017/10/21 墨西哥鬼節清泉 Day of the Dead ChingChuan



This is one of my favorite time of the year for workshops when I become especially inspired by the different ways the dead are honored. Day of the Dead is an oft misunderstood celebration and it’s always interesting to bring up the issues of cultural appropriation, stereotypes, and identity at this time in a creative workshop.






更多照片: https://goo.gl/Gf9ewh
老師 Teacher:Grace Hsu
攝影師:Rhea Chou
大朋友: 李思儀
贊助者 Sponsors: 莎祿有限公司|施中民|捷式股份有限公 Jimmy Sun|傢櫥  MOODIWOOD | Carol Wu | 宋偉萍 | 黃嘉華| Richard Jack/Sarah Milne | Plants 植宿餐飲股份有 | Yuting Hung

特別感謝 Special Thanks:桃山國小 蘇美娟 | 林育宏 | 丁神父 Father Barry Martinson | Hanna 哈那 | Sabrina Sutherland ,3D彩繪筆捐贈者(匿名)

您也可以贊助孩子,贊助婦女,贊助我們!SUPPORT US!

This is one of my favorite time of the year for workshops when I become especially inspired by the different ways the dead are honored. Day of the Dead is an oft misunderstood celebration and it’s always interesting to bring up the issues of cultural appropriation, stereotypes, and identity at this time in a creative workshop.

We were able to get ahold of some glass jars and donated “glass” appropriate paints. With veteran Teacher Grace going through the background of Day of the Dead and viewing some of the indigenous art and reasons behind the symbols, kids sketched and translated the imagery onto the jars. Today was a small class – meaning silence – so the kids were able to focus on the project. When they finished, vivid colors streaked across the jars and the paper they had a look of satisfaction their faces.

We didn’t have many kids attend today as there was a separate event that was taking place, but our diehard Bright Side fans that were able to make it told us they were happy that for once the class size was so much smaller and they could have chance to really chat with us! Regardless if the class size was 100, 50, 15, 10, or even just 1, we will spend the same amount of energy and effort in the creation of the educational course and the plant-based meals we share with the children.

For lunch we prepped the Southern California interpretation of Mexican food, with plenty of guacamole before heading out on a walk to Taoshan Elementary School with them. We were happy to share the moments and chat with them as they introduced some aspects of their indigenous Atayal culture that was evident throughout the mountaintop school. We are grateful for this opportunity and day with our friends! It’s amazing that we’ve known them for over five years from when they almost first entered the school! Thank you for your support so we can continue our lifelong journey.

活動報告: 2017/10/22 JLIN 尊巴 x 桃園睦祥育幼院 Zumba with JLin (Taoyuan MuHsiang Children’s Home)



Ever since I took a class with one of Taiwan’s best instructors Jlin, I know he would be a perfect fit for the kids at Taoyuan. (English below)






老師: 傑林 JLin
大朋友: 鄭如棻 | Olga Kondukova | 鄭又綺 | 張佳蕙 | Sam Yu | Julia Wang
廚師: Rhea Chou | 桃園睦祥育幼院孩子們
攝影師 Photographer: 鄭又綺 

Yuting Hung | 傢櫥 MOODIWOOD Carol Wu | 捷式股份有限公 Jimmy Sun | 安XXXXXX | SALADAY  李典 | 莎祿有限公司 | 施中民 | 宋偉萍  | 黃嘉華 | Happy Tuesday – 家 ・ 分享 ・ 沙龍 | Richard Jack/Sarah Milne | Plants 植宿餐飲股份有 | Lily Lin

桃園睦祥育幼院, 劉緣玉

Ever since I took a class with one of Taiwan’s best instructors Jlin, I know he would be a perfect fit for the kids at Taoyuan. The right combination made him the best; combining passion,  exuberance, professionalism, and a great playlist, were just a handful of qualities he possessed. Luckily we were able to find a time and date that worked for everyone after several months of communication and so glad we did!

Just minutes after our arrival Jlin got both the kids and our Big Friends going with some of the hottest tracks and greatest dance moves! We simply could not stop laughing and dancing! High energy moves, sultry motions, made for a crazy fun workout. One of the best times was also seeing the kids perform for us! It was a thrill to see how they choreographed and paired music for some awe-inspiring dance moves that made our jaws drop.

For lunch we had a quick sushi making session so kids made their own vegan rolls. Options included avocados, sweet potato, cucumbers, carrots, vegan floss, and kimchi. The first roll was made for our hardworking/hard-dancing teacher!

After all the ZUmba, an afternoon snack of “noodle flowing” Nagashi Somen capped off the perfect summer day. We alternated this Japanese tradition capturing noodles as they rapidly flowed past in bamboo shoots.

JLIN provided the kids and our Big Friends with non-stop laughter with the most exhilarating session of Zumba. I have never seen so much laughter and joy on their faces! Thank you JLin for such joy!

We need your support to continue to do what we do – sponsor us here!
More images: https://goo.gl/DeKdXU

Helping Hands – Alexandra Monnier



Alexandra Monnier

Alex來自法國, 她有個很簡單的心願 – 一起煮飯,那麼就可以每天都吃到美味的純素料理

Alex is originally from France and has a simple wish – through cooking together, one can eat delicious vegan food every single day.

Helping Hands –許閔皓 Hsu Min Hao




1982  出生於台灣
2005  自學攝影
2006  台灣國立中央大學經濟學系畢業
2014  赴日求學
2015  參與NPO動物平權攝影計畫




作品: http://animals.net.tw/gallery/xu-minhao/

1982  Born in Taiwan
2005  Self learning photography
2006  Graduated from National Central University
2014  Went abroad in Japan
2015  Working with NPO on Animal Welfare Projects

After years of trying, I began to realize the meaning of photography to me. It helped me understand what I am capable of and not, and it helped me be honest with the real self. Although I have been through many assignments these years, I decided to take photos only for myself from now on.

I like things in their natural way, including dogs, plants, and people on the street. To get good results from them, skills have never been the most important thing. It is luck, and the understanding and adapting of this world that matters.

In the end, to truly know myself and this world has already become my lifework.

Work: http://animals.net.tw/gallery/xu-minhao/

Helping Hands –毛怪 Wayne Zheng



AsalatoTaiwan 毛怪


Began his infatuation with the Asalato began in college after seeing it in various print and online media. It just so happened that one of the only places to purchase this illusive instrument was by Fuso Chen who heads Asalato Taiwan. Continuing down this path and in a blink of an eye, Wayne has been playing for over eight years and has become one of the foremost in the field.

臉書 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Asalato.tw/

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