Channel: 臺灣嚮光協會 Bright Side Projects
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2016 3/5 美味桌子純素PIZZA工作坊 Kitchen Table Vegan Pizza Creations



The Kitchen Table is such an important part of our activity. Taking a break to share food is an extremely bonding experience and this time we will focus our efforts on creating foods with the kids. While we have enjoyed some forms of mini pizzas before, this time we will create pizza dough from scratch and add in our favorite toppings! We will also make a simple salad and dessert (fruit pudding tbc).

Giving the kids and all of us a chance to create our own meals shows us that creating delicious, nutritious is well within reach!

日期Date : 3/5/2016 (Saturday) (六)
時間Time: 上午11:00 – 下午14:30 (leave Taipei around 8:00 am)
地點 Location: 清泉 ChingChuan TauShan Youth Cultural Center
贊助者Benefactor: 捷式股份有限公司

Purpose: make vegan pizzas from scratch to enjoy with the kids. Being able to create our own food and especially a treat we all enjoy

Task: creating dough, cutting fruits and vegetables, baking pizzas, etc. Setup and clean up.

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Sliding Scale Fee System: 300, 400, 500.
We understand that everyone has different levels on which they can contribute. This amount includes all the raw materials for the pizzas and other lunch for you and the children. Rideshare is separate, estimate 100NT each way from Taipei.

 3月課程費用 :志工可任選300, 400, 或500元投入本次活動基金。費用分級的用意在於我們希望讓這活動本身能讓更多志工參與,因此讓報名金額更有彈性。包含PIZZA還有中餐的材料。 清泉交通預估單程100元。

Maximum Capacity: Space is limited to 10 Big Friends on a first come first serve basis

報名方式 (Maximum 10):
1. Read and register here: 發email後必須填 https://goo.gl/NUUZ7L
2. Email brightside.tw (at) gmail.com 發EMAIL到brightside.tw (at) gmail.com
3. Bright Side Projects will confirm your details and if there is a spot for you. 嚮光受到報名訊息48小時內通知你確認課程位子。
4. Rideshare will be announced 4 days prior. 嚮光會跟你聯絡確認報名治療,共乘汽車方式課程4天前會再次做確認。

也感謝FRESH 烘培的支持!
Many thanks Fresh Bakery & Café for their kind instructions!

FB Invite: https://www.facebook.com/events/1281205015241908/

街坊人物專訪 Interview|ㄚ昏 (Ah-Hun) Rufen Cheng

街坊人物專訪| ㄚ昏

嚮光協會很幸運的有如棻加入我們的團隊!她已經成為我們組織裡不可或缺的一份子, 孩子們看到她的時候總是很開心, 並用她的綽號”阿昏”稱呼她。不論是帶領一個工作坊, 和孩子們玩, 煮一頓好吃的, 開車, 整理打包, 清潔環境, 付出她的時間, 車, 或捐款, 阿昏總是和我們及孩子們在同一陣線, 付出她百分之百的心力。阿昏現在還協助我們處理十分迫切需求的募款活動和補助金的申請。我們非常榮幸能夠擁有他們為我們社團的一份子!

Daisy: 你是在何時、如何得知嚮光協會?為什麼想參與?
ㄚ昏 : 

D: 從我們相處的這段時間以來,對於你與孩子之間互動的改變,你的感覺是如何的呢?
ㄚ昏 : 一開始跟著協會課程時,跟小孩互不熟悉,我不是那種個性就很熱情的人,想當然爾,小孩跟我的互動一開始是生疏的,但我一直相信真心誠意才是贏得友誼的最好方法,也許是互動久了,小孩知道我就只是個害羞愛裝酷的假大人罷了,每次參加活動,總有些孩子愛跟著我後面一直叫我的名字”ㄚ昏”,一邊叫一邊笑鬧著,我雖板起臉孔罵他們但下一秒就跟著孩子們玩起來,喜歡跟孩子們這種類似朋友般的互動,舒服沒有壓力。

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Daisy: 你最喜歡哪一次的工作坊?為什麼?
: 記得2015年1月到清泉的活動,除了做紮染,也利用周圍的環境素材佈置自製的小聖誕樹,喜歡這種以大自然為素材發揮想像力的活動,可以感受到孩子們與大自然的關係以及對於創作的熱情。

D: 有什麼願意與我們分享的難忘時光嗎?
ㄚ昏 : 說真的,其實每一次的工作坊對我來說都是驚豔,每一次活動不確定的因素很多,尤其是要去有一點遠得要命的清泉的話,這些不確定常常讓我很緊張,大概是這樣,所以就算每次活動前我吃了一頓很豐盛的早餐,肚子總是很快就餓了,因此每次活動精心準備的營養豐盛餐點,總是讓我很難忘,哈哈哈……我不是在開玩笑的,最近幾次的活動,我發覺我越來越喜歡待在廚房幫忙了。


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D: 為何你會持續參與嚮光協會的活動?
ㄚ昏 : 協會的活動常常搞到我筋疲力盡,回到家後倒在床上大睡,身體雖然累了,但心裡卻感覺重新被注入一股能量,與好久不見的孩子們嘻嘻鬧鬧的玩耍,暫時忘記日常瑣碎的煩人事務,好像又能夠重新燃起對生活的熱情。

D: 你對孩子們有什麼期望,或是你能夠做什麼?
ㄚ昏 : 對於未來的社會環境的想像,大概就是我對孩子們的期待,期待社會能夠多一點的公平正義,而公平正義的社會環境是什麼,則需要孩子們自己去找答案,我想我能夠做的,就是不要阻礙他們發展找答案的能力,雖然社會的運行已有一套既定的框架,不管在性別、道德、社會習俗等等各方面的,以維持所謂的社會秩序,但也讓人成為沒有靈魂的橡皮圖章,這個框架不斷地也不自覺地無時無刻影響我們每一個人,我能夠做的就是在陪伴的過程中盡所能去引導孩子看到這個既有框架,期許孩子們看到另一種可能的想像後,能培養對於事物的敏感度,在未來能夠自己去思辨社會上所發生的事務,找到自己要依循的中心價值。



Bright Side Projects has been fortunate enough to have Rufen join our team! They have been become an indispensable part of our organizations and kids are always happy to see her and call her by her nickname “Ah-Hun.” Whether it’s leading a workshop, playing with kids, cooking a meal, driving, packing, cleaning up, lending her time, car, or donating money, Ah-Hun is always there for us and for the kids 100%. Ah-Hun will now also assist us with much needed fundraising and grant applications and we are so honored to have them as a part of our community! 

Daisy: How and when did you find out about Bright Side Projects and what made you want to get involved? 
Rufen: It was around the end of 2013 during another NGO’s regularly weekly meetings that I had the chance to meet the founder. I asked Daisy what she usually does and she began to talk about her association (Bright Side Projects), development, and empowerment, which are topics I’ve always been interesting in. In addition, I’ve been assisting other NGOs for children development programs so this was right up my alley. Knowing Daisy’s ideas and beliefs for children development echoed my postgraduate thesis on empowerment so I was motivated to get involved. One part of me wanted to witness the process of empowerment by kids and the other part of me thrives on a Gemini’s strong curiousity to learn more.

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D: How do you feel your interaction with the children has changed over the time you have been with us? 
R: When I first started going to workshops, I was not close to the kids. My personality isn’t exactly outgoing, so naturally there wasn’t much interaction between the kids and myself. However, I have always believed that being sincere is the key to true friendship. After a little bit more interaction the children realized that perhaps I was shy a shy grown-up trying to act cool. Every time I join an event there’s always kids following me and calling out my nickname “A-Hun” while laughing and poking fun of me. Although I would make a serious face and pretend to scold them, in the next instant we will be playing alongside each other. I really enjoy the interaction with the kids, it’s the same as with friends, a degree of comfort without stress.

D: What has been your favorite workshop and why? 
R: I remember in January 2015 we went to ChingChuan for a tie-dye workshop. Apart from the tie-dye, we also used materials we picked up during a mini nature walk to make little Christmas Trees. I like the type of activity which uses nature as our source material and to inspire our imagination. I could feel the relationship between kids and nature, as well as their passion towards creation.

D: Are there any memorable moments you can share with us?
R: Honestly, every workshop comes out surprisingly amazing. There is always a lot of uncertainty involved, especiailly when we hav eto go to ChingChuan which is located far away from the city. When I have to think about all the variables I get nervous. Even though I always eat a big breakfast before event, I get hungry pretty fast so what stands out the most is definitely remembering some of the delicious meals during the workshops. I’m not kidding – I recently discovered I enjoyed spending more and more time in the kitchen during the workshops!

I also remember another time in Chingchuan, when we finished the activities earlier than planned. Everyone was walking around hand in hand. Some of the kids lay down under the shade of the trees and just listened to music and to chat. I really enjoyed this simplistic moment of relaxation with kids and looking up at the blue sky.

IMG_3496 DSCF2983copy 2015-0524-純素烘焙義賣-11 D: Why do you keep coming back to ChingChuan or Bright Side Projects events?
R: Bright Side events always leaves you pretty tired by the time you get home. However, although you may be physically exhausted, your heart will be invigorated. The source of this comes from seeing the faces of the kids and their energy. For a few moments in life you can forget about the trivial matters in the every day world, ignite passion for life.

D: What are your hopes for the children or what you can do?
R: In regards to the future social environment, is probably what I’m hoping for the kids, that there will be social justice. What this social justice and environment is will be dependent on the children and up to them to find the answers. What I believe I can do in these respects is to ensure that I do not hinder them in their quest to find the answer. Although society has already set up a very specific framework from everything including gender, morals, social customs, etc, in order to “maintain” social order, this also creates soulless “cookie cutter” figments of people.

What I can hope to do is that during the time I have the chance to be with the kids is to let them know that this framework exists and also that they can break out of it. I hope they can become infused with a sense of empowerment and empathy for others. With this, they can create a framework and determine their own, not one that is dictated by society.

We look forward to you also joining the Neighborhood and our community!

ㄚ昏 (Ah-Hun) Rufen Cheng

ㄚ昏 (Ah-Hun) Rufen Cheng

Big Friend 大朋友

喜歡不被束縛的關係,下了班就希望全世界忘掉自己是小學老師;喜歡觀察,因為可以拿來當作自己動作慢的藉口;看起來很嚴肅,但其實很叛逆。 Does not preferred to be tied down. During their after work hours hopes that the world forgets that they are an elementary school teacher. Prefers to observe and uses this as an excuse for moving slow. On the façade A-Hun may seem serious but actually has a fiery rebellious nature.
Project Wrap Up: 2015 Jia Xin Winter Solstice Orchid Island 佳欣冬日慶典 (蘭嶼)

Project Wrap Up: 2015 Jia Xin Winter Solstice Orchid Island 佳欣冬日慶典 (蘭嶼)

Share 感謝蘭恩文教基金會的邀請以及長期支持我們年終Jia-Xin送愛到台灣活動的贊助者們,嚮光協會第一次踏上了台灣東南角的土地。除了結合當地社群的兒童美術工作坊活動外,蘭恩基金會的執行長Maraos更邀請我們在當地創作一座聖誕樹裝罝。為此,我們積極策劃,希望能擴大當地社群參與,並在設計中充份運用環保回收材料。 This is Bright Side Project’s first trip to venture into southeastern Taiwan, thanks to an invitation... read more
Project Wrap Up: 2015 12/5 Jia Xin Winter Solstice Taoyuan 冬日慶典歐布工作坊 (睦祥育幼院)

Project Wrap Up: 2015 12/5 Jia Xin Winter Solstice Taoyuan 冬日慶典歐布工作坊 (睦祥育幼院)

Share這是我們在睦祥育幼院舉辦的第三屆 Jia-Xin的冬日慶典,但是,這是我們第一次在睦祥的新家舉辦! 我們帶來很多色彩繽紛的布料及食材,準備和小朋友一起親手製作巧克力馬克杯蛋糕! It’s our third Santa Jia-Xin winter solstice in at MuHsiang Children’s Home ! It’s our first one based in their new home and we brought over heaps of colorful fabric... read more
Project Wrap Up: 2015 11/15 Jia-Xin’s Winter Solstice TaiTung 冬日慶典(新馬蘭Fukid部落)

Project Wrap Up: 2015 11/15 Jia-Xin’s Winter Solstice TaiTung 冬日慶典(新馬蘭Fukid部落)

ShareJia-Xin的冬日慶典活動第一站始於台東,在這個活動邁入第四年之際,我們很幸運能過把Jia-Xin 和支持她的朋友們的暖意及慷慨散佈到台灣更多角落。 We began the first leg of our journey for Jia-Xin’s Winter Solstice in Taitung. In our fourth year, we were so blessed to be able to spread the warmth and generosity of Jia-Xin and her... read more
Project Wrap Up: 2015 12/7 Jia-Xin’s Harmony Home Winter Solstice 冬日慶典(關愛之家)

Project Wrap Up: 2015 12/7 Jia-Xin’s Harmony Home Winter Solstice 冬日慶典(關愛之家)

Share小雪人老師和我繼續我們的年度聖誕假期旅行! (Please scroll below for English) 在期盼對未來環境更友善的前提下,嚮光開始以回收物品取代塑膠商品做為我們使用的藝術材料。除了歲末節慶活動之外,嚮光通常拒絕贈送玩具或禮物;這次無論如何,我們決定鼓勵孩子去製作自己的玩具。運用二手布料變成無縫絨毛娃娃,讓孩子們專注於腦力激盪、繪畫和創作自己的娃娃。... read more

Project Wrap Up: 2015 Jia Xin Winter Solstice Orchid Island 佳欣冬日慶典 (蘭嶼)




This is Bright Side Project’s first trip to venture into southeastern Taiwan, thanks to an invitation extended by Lan An Cultural and Educational Foundation and supporters of our annual year end events via Jia-Xin’s Toys for Taiwan. In addition to community involvement in workshops with children, Maraos requested us to construct a Christmas Tree. We were excited and eager, looking to involve the community and utilize recycled materials in our endeavor. (ENGLISH BELOW)

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James和Peter在接下來的數週間為了擬定裝置的設計草案及搭設計畫製作了大量的設計模型,以及實驗了各種接合的方法。一抵達島上,我們便直奔阿文的回收廠,實地了解阿文的回收工作現況,並從回收廠帶回大量回收垃圾,再一一進行清洗分類的工作。最初兩天,我們不停反複進行清洗、分類、打洞以及綑綁保特瓶的動作,同時從海邊挖取海沙灌進保特瓶中為聖誕樹的根及中心樹幹製作基礎結構元件。照著James及Peter的設計計畫,成員們分工合作,每天從早上七點一直工作到午夜,有時也冒著風雨在室外工作。工作間短暫的休息時間中,多才多藝的攝影師Shang Han Chien及Ken Wang也為大家烹煮了美味的蔬食料理

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20151119-IMG_7629 20151119-IMG_7665 copy 20151119-IMG_7672 copy 20151119-IMG_7706 copy 20151119-IMG_7708 copy 20151119-IMG_7713 copy 小雪在忙碌的行程中,也抽出時間帶領當地的小小孩探索神奇的藝術世界。小小孩們在小雪老師的引導下,使用無毒顏料在大面的圓型回收紙張上自由揮灑出一片無比繽紛的混沌! 唯一遺憾沒能有更多的時間與資源和這裡的孩子們一同創作更多的美麗。最後我們為孩子們舉辦了一場充滿想像力的一日工作坊,活動由Peter和James設計規劃,同時結合了聖誕樹裝置的揭幕活動。延續保特瓶回收創作的主題,我們以保特瓶為每一個參加的孩子製作一只小怪物手錶,手錶中出現的動物成為孩子們創作混種小怪物面具的靈感素材。除了Shang Han為孩子們煮調的美味特製蔬食咖哩餐,每個孩子也都自行動手製作好吃營養的花生地瓜巧克力杯。經過一整天的創作活動之後,我們每個人都戴上自己製作的小怪物面具,在黃昏中為聖誕樹掛上自製的聖誕裝飾。 20151120-IMG_8530 copy 20151120-IMG_8532 copy 20151120-IMG_8554 copy 20151120-IMG_8566 copy 20151120-IMG_8575 copy 20151120-IMG_8591 copy



聖誕樹裝置: James Teng, Peter Hsieh
靜態攝影師: Ken Wang
影片攝影及剪輯: Shang Han Chien
小雪人工作坊: Snow Tsao
面具工作坊: Peter Hsieh
團隊成員: Rhea Chou, Rufen Cheng

Jia-Xin和她的贊助者們, Jet Sunny,瑪拉歐斯,鍾月英,Ocean,阿文,Leo Tsai, Tobie Openshaw, Jon Burke, 蔡昆璋, 及每一個曾經直接或間接幫助我們的人。


In the weeks leading up to our trip countless meetings took place so we would be prepared for this massive undertaking. James Teng 滕孟哲 and Peter Hsieh 謝叢憶, both graduates from the Design Academy Eindhoven headed the design. The decision to utilize recycled plastic bottles was after the team had viewed the tireless work of 阿文 from 文人之島,環保之道 who has been pushing for awareness on environmentalism and recycling.

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James and Peter tried a variety of methods and binding methods over the course of the next several weeks to construct a miniature model for the blueprint that could be executed when we arrive on the island. Upon arrival we headed to A-wen’s recycling yard and also gathered trash which we cleaned each bottle. . The first few days were spent sorting, cleaning, punching holes, and tying the plastic bottles so it would be stable to serve as the base of the tree. Rocks had to be shoveled at the beach and poured into the bottles. With James and Peter’s design set out for the tree, everyone multi-tasked work starting early mornings from 7 am until midnight most days at times braving the wind and rain. There was little time for anything else except quick plant-based meals in-between cooked by our multi-talented photographer Ken Wang and videographer Shang Han Chien.

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Patterns were explored but proved to not be viable with the additional weight it would bring onto the tree in addition to the high winds of Orchid Island. In the end bottles attached in different lengths or cut into spirals served to mimic the dress of the tree.

Over thousands of pieces of trash were shifted through with 800 bottles utilized. Miniature windmills that self generated light, Christmas ornaments created by the local children during a workshop, and an recycled string of LED light that magnified through the bottles served as the decor. The community was invited to partake in all the steps and we wanted to make the design as accessible as possible so that everyone knows that this is something that can be done.

Snow took time out of the busy schedule to take some of the younger children into a wonderful world of creation with art. With non-toxic paint, and a long roll of recycled paper, the kids were given free reign to create – and it got incredibly beautifully messy! We only wish we had more time and resources to be able to do more with the children here.

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Our final workshop was set to coincide with the unveiling of the Christmas Tree. This was an incredibly imaginative workshop curated by James Teng and Peter Hsieh. It continued the theme of utilizing recycled plastic bottles that were sorted – these were constructed into invitation ‘watches’ for each child and served as the raw materials for hybrid masks. A delicious plant-based curry meal was made thanks to Shang Han and each kid also made peanut butter and sweet potato chocolate cups to take home. After an incredible day starting from morning of sketching and making their masks, we took all this outside to enjoy plant-based smores in front of the tree at dusk.

With four elementary schools on Orchid Island we had an overwhelming number of children sign up and also adults who wanted to get involved. To maintain the quality of our workshop we had to turn them away but promised to be back later in 2016. We hope that you can support us on this and spread the generosity of Jia-Xin and everyone in who wants to get involved all year round!

Jia-Xin’s Winter Solstice (佳欣的冬日慶典) is an annual year-end series of activities run by Bright Side Projects that involve communities throughout Taiwan. This year we are so ecstatic to have been able to include both Orchid Island and Taitung on our 2 month long itinerary along with ChingChuan, Taoyuan, and Taipei.


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Christmas Tree: James Teng, Peter Hsieh
Photographer: Ken Wang
Videographer: Shang Han Chien
Workshop: Snow Tsao
Mask workshop: Peter Hsieh
Team members: Rhea Chou, Rufen Cheng

Thank you everyone who supported us in the process!
Jia-Xin and her sponsors, Jet Sunny, 瑪拉歐斯,鍾月英,Ocean,阿文 A Wen,Leo Tsai, Tobie Openshaw, Jon Burke, 蔡昆璋, and so many others!

Helping Hands – 小梅 (May Pan) 潘梅芳



小梅 (May Pan) 潘梅芳



May is currently the owner of a bed and breakfast and enjoys participating in meaningful activities with a focus on friendly environmental practices towards nurturing the land. They support the growth of food grown without pesticides and chemical fertilizers. They also oppose nuclear power and will take to the streets to make their voice heard. May also enjoys sharing her knowledge so hopes that we can all learn from each other.

Meet more from our Neighborhood!

Helping Hands –海晨 Haichen Hsu



海晨 Haichen Hsu

海晨是住在台北的一個自由接案的設計師, 主要做工業設計, 平面設計, 品牌設計, 和一些攝影工作。喜愛動物, 致力於推廣純素不傷害動物的生活方式。

Haichen is a freelance designer based in Taipei. She focuses on industrial design, graphic design, branding design, and some photography work. Loves animals and advocates a cruelty-free vegan lifestyle.

2016 春夏 台東蘭嶼 SS Taitung Orchid Island



Just a little over $1000 NT/ $30 USD covers workshop materials and plant-based meal for a woman or child!

台北富邦銀行代號 012
帳號: 4901 0202 2421
(戶名) 社團法人臺灣嚮光協會
信用卡/PayPal: brightside.tw@gmail.com

Bank Name: Fubon Bank
Bank Code: 012
Account: 4901 0202 2421
Swift Code: TPBKTWTP
Bank Address: 389 RenAi Road, Section 4. Taipei City, DaAn District
A/C Name: 社團法人臺灣嚮光協會
Credit Card/PayPal: brightside.tw@gmail.com


捐款贊助需要收據的朋友(僅限臺灣地區)歡迎寄信至 brightside.tw@gmail.com 與我們聯繫。
For those that need tax deductible receipts please email us at brightside.tw@gmail.com.

募款目標 : $85,000 台幣 (目前: $21,700)
TARGET : $2,650 USD

  • (21,700 of 85,000) 金額 AMOUNT RAISED 25.5%
  • 被贊助孩子 (30位孩子) KIDS SPONSORED (Total 30 Kids) 0%
  • 被贊助婦女 (24位婦女) WOMEN SPONSORED (Total 24 Women) 58%









Kelly Lin - $5,000 NT
Jet Sunny  捷式股份有限公司 - $5,000 NT

Tina Chen - $1,000 NT
Pinky Yen - $700 NT
A Well Fed World - $10,000 NT

Spring 2016 in Taitung and Orchid Island

引頸期盼到台灣東南部的第二趟旅程! 儘管遇到交通不便或運送物資的問題, 我們確信透過與社群的連結與互動, 就會產生正向循環

We look forward to our second trip down to Southeast Taiwan! Despite the obstacles in transportation and resources to for some of Bright Side Projects friends, we know that only positive good can come out of everyone connecting and engaging in our community.



Last year on our trip to Orchid Island, we hosted workshops for kids but was told that many of the mothers and others also had high interest to join. The idea of what workshop to create came at our breakfast times during our week long stay. Noticing that much of Orchid Island’s bread supply was imported, we decided to explore the possibility of having locals create their own baked stuffs so it would be more self sustainable and environmental. If there is high interest we will look into funding more resources and talent so it can become self-sustaining and utilize local resources as ingredients.

Starting with our first workshop at ShinMaLan FUKID in October, we knew from the passion of the community center director Mrs. Kuo and our connection with the children that we had to come back and get to know them better.

DonateIcon hand


蘭嶼 Orchid Island

婦女有機會參加佛卡夏麵包工作坊! 孩子們會畫出分鏡表, 之後可以拍一部以他們創作的立體圖型為題材的短片。 
透過說故事、創作美食與藝術的方式,與蘭嶼當地婦女和孩子連結, 為他們充權
參加工作坊的大小朋友數目:  大約15位孩子 (年齡從2-15歲)及  24位婦女

In addition to making pizzas, kids will create a storyboard  and we hope that they can shoot a short film of their diorama. Women will be part of a delicious focaccia making session.
: Connect with and empower women and youth on Orchid Island through storytelling and the creation of food and art.
Theme:  Social awareness focuses on food justice.

日期 Date: 2016 5/12-16
地點 Location: Orchid Island  Drifitng Wood Restaurant 蘭嶼漂離喔木餐廳
老師 Teacher: May Pan, Rhea Chou
Target: Approximately 15 children, ages 2-15; 24 women.

台東 / 新馬蘭部落 TaiTung / ShinMa Tribe

目的: 透過與當地社區中心共事,來和當地小朋友培養長期的關係,這個專題課程是經由藝術來分享愛與對這個環境的覺察。
主題: 我們的社會認知議題聚焦於環境,特別強調最近的植樹節 (種樹天)
參加製作工作坊的小朋友數目: 15位,年齡約從7~13歲。

Purpose: Build a long term relationship with the local children by working with the local community center, this specific workshop sharing love and awareness of the environment through art.
Theme: Our social awareness issue we will focus on the environment with highlight on the recent tree planting day.

日期 Date: 2016 5/28-30
老師 TeacherIchi Lin
地點 Location: ShinMaLan FUKID 新馬蘭FUKID部落
Target: Approximately 15 children, ages 7-13. Majority from  the local indigenous tribe.

Creating and painting volcanoes in our Mad Scientist class! Photo courtesy 蘇嘉琦 Courtesy Jon Burke 白炯涵 Photo courtesy 鄭又綺
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Your donation funds workshop materials for 4 workshops – 24 Women & 30 Kids

專題課程中, 有一部分的創造及充權過程需要材料購買。這次我們會將整合美食、藝術以及說故事: 製作佛卡恰麵包及披薩的過程中需要大量的麵粉,還需新鮮蔬菜作為披薩餡料;說故事與藝術的專題課程需要無毒蛋彩畫的顏料,我們會盡可能尋找回收的素材,因此我們要準備超過50人所需的材料。

Part of the creation and empowerment process requires us to purchase materials for the workshops.
This time we will be integrating food, art, and story-telling. Massive quantities of ingredients such as flour and fresh vegetable toppings for plant-based focaccia and pizzas will be required; for the storytelling and art workshops we need non-toxic tempera paint and will source recycled materials if possible. This means enough materials for over 50 people. Fee for film editor.

Brightside Pizza 清泉_032815_148 copy Brightside Pizza 清泉_032815_131 copy 2015-1018-萬聖節巧克力義賣-33 copy Creating and painting volcanoes in our Mad Scientist class! Photo courtesy 蘇嘉琦 Courtesy Jon Burke 白炯涵 Photo courtesy 鄭又綺

Your donation funds our Kitchen Table for 4 workshops – 24 Women & 30 Kids


Workshops are generally a full day so we must provide hot nutritious food for children and all participants, which we are more than happy to do. Plant-based creations are made along with light snacks even for half day activities. We need funds to edit the short films that kids will create.

Plant-based Pizzas 2015-1018-萬聖節巧克力義賣-112 copy 20150823-睦祥-迷你我-49 copy

Your donations funds logistics and everything else that puts the workshops in place.


台東: 大眾運輸系統單程4.5小時,開車單程7小時
蘭嶼:大眾運輸系統單程4小時,開車單程2.5小時 /大眾運輸系統單程9小時,自行前往12小時 (搭船3.5小時, 坐飛機 20分鐘)

台北到台東的火車來回大概~$1,400台幣,蘭嶼的船票 $2,000多台幣。5位志工前往便需接近$20,000元台幣。 但是教課的老師以交通費用協會需要支出。因為這些老師和義工為了這個活動必須離開自己的崗位3-6天,不會有收入。您的贊助款將協助我們過程中所有支出,包括數個月來的事前溝通、會議安排、與志工老師企劃課程、聯絡大朋友及所有報名課程的參與者。

People like the idea of convenience – but getting items to where those who may benefit from the resources is not always about that. Our core group is based in Taipei and we have on-site locals in each of the locations. But with many of our talents and resources prepped at our base, we need to sort and get them out. Your support covers everything from months of communication, coordinating meetings, planning lessons with teachers, volunteers, and getting in touch with those who are registering.

From Taipei to–>
Taitung: by public transport 4.5 hours each way / by personal vehicle 7 hours each way
Orchid Island: by public transport 9 hours each way / by personal transport 12 hours each way (ferry is 3.5 hours, flight is 20 minutes) Just for Orchid Island the cost for the ferry is approximately $72 USD, airfare $90 USD.

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台北富邦銀行代號 012
帳號: 4901 0202 2421
(戶名) 社團法人臺灣嚮光協會
信用卡/PayPal: brightside.tw@gmail.com

Bank Name: Fubon Bank
Bank Code: 012
Account: 4901 0202 2421
Swift Code: TPBKTWTP
Bank Address: 389 RenAi Road, Section 4. Taipei City, DaAn District
A/C Name: 社團法人臺灣嚮光協會
Credit Card/PayPal: brightside.tw@gmail.com


捐款贊助需要收據的朋友(僅限臺灣地區)歡迎寄信至 brightside.tw@gmail.com 與我們聯繫。
For those that need tax deductible receipts please email us at brightside.tw@gmail.com.







感謝您對台灣的青少年及婦女的慷慨與愛 !
Will you join our journey?
Thank you for your generosity and love for the youth and women of Taiwan!
Bright Side Projects: https://fb.me/brightside.tw

2015 5/7 –墨西哥裔美國五月五日 (清泉)Cinco de Mayo (ChingChuan)



We will be looking at the Mexican-American holiday of Cinco De Mayo (5th of May) in ChingChuan through holiday food and craft! (ENG BELOW)

除此之為,我們也會學為什麼愛美國才會慶祝的 五月五日節中有哪些墨西哥文化被嘲弄了,或者被商業化了。 孩子們將從中學到: 墨裔美國人的墨西哥五月節(Cinco de Mayo)、真正起源、資本主義及節慶的影響、如何製作素食墨西哥捲餅和節慶主題的手工藝品。

日期: 5月7日(六)
地點:桃山青年文化中心 (清泉/五峰部落)
時間: 上午10:30 - 下午16:00 (台北早上08:00出發)
5月課程費用 :大朋友可任選300, 400, 或500元投入本次活動基金。費用分級的用意在於我們希望讓這活動本身能讓更多大朋友參與,因此讓報名金額更有彈性。包含墨西哥捲 跟比娘大, 紙花,還有中餐的材料。 清泉交通預估單程100元或來回200元。

臉書: https://www.facebook.com/events/858748634237565/

報名方式 (限制: 12位大朋友):
1. Read and register here: 必須填 https://goo.gl/I9OzD0
2. Email brightside.tw (at) gmail.com 發EMAIL到brightside.tw (at) gmail.com
3. Bright Side Projects will confirm your details and if there is a spot for you. 嚮光受到報名訊息48小時內通知你確認課程位子。
4. Rideshare will be announced 4 days prior. 嚮光會跟你聯絡確認報名治療,共乘汽車方式課程4天前會再次做確認。

cincodemayocrafts download Burrito fillings 0706-睦祥-火山歷險記-73 copy Brightside_110114_232 copy

We will be looking at the Mexican-American holiday of Cinco De Mayo (5th of May) in ChingChuan through holiday food and craft!

We’ll be making holiday themed foods and crafts such as burritos and pinatas. In addition, we will will understand the reasons for celebration of 5/5 almost exclusively in the United States, what aspects of the Mexican culture has been caricatured and commercialized.

Date: 5/7 (Saturday)
Location: Taoshan Youth Cultural Center
Time: 10:30 – 16:00 (depart Taipei at 8:00 am)
Kids will learn: Mexican American holiday of Cinco de Mayo and real origins, effects of capitalism and holidays, how to make burritos and holiday themed crafts.

Big Friend tasks: making burritos, assist with pinatas creations, participate in discussions.

Sliding Scale Fee System: 300, 400, 500. We understand that everyone has different levels on which they can contribute. This amount includes all the raw materials for the burrito, craft. and other lunch for you and the children. Rideshare is separate, estimate 100NT each way from Taipei.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/858748634237565/

How to Register (12 Big Friend Maximum, first come first serve):
1. Read and register here: 必須填 https://goo.gl/I9OzD0
2. Email brightside.tw (at) gmail.com 發EMAIL到brightside.tw (at) gmail.com
3. Bright Side Projects will confirm your details and if there is a spot for you. 嚮光受到報名訊息48小時內通知你確認課程位子。
4. Rideshare will be announced 4 days prior. 嚮光會跟你聯絡確認報名治療,共乘汽車方式課程4天前會再次做確認。

Featured image credit: https://ideas.evite.com/planning/cinco-de-mayo-party-quick-guide/

2016 5/15 迷你導演與披薩工作坊 (蘭嶼)Mini Film & Pizza Maker Workshop (Orchid Island)



Just a little over $1000 NT/ $30 USD covers workshop materials and plant-based meal for a woman or child!

台北富邦銀行代號 012
帳號: 4901 0202 2421
(戶名) 社團法人臺灣嚮光協會
信用卡/PayPal: brightside.tw@gmail.com

Bank Name: Fubon Bank
Bank Code: 012
Account: 4901 0202 2421
Swift Code: TPBKTWTP
Bank Address: 389 RenAi Road, Section 4. Taipei City, DaAn District
A/C Name: 社團法人臺灣嚮光協會
Credit Card/PayPal: brightside.tw@gmail.com


捐款贊助需要收據的朋友(僅限臺灣地區)歡迎寄信至 brightside.tw@gmail.com 與我們聯繫。
For those that need tax deductible receipts please email us at brightside.tw@gmail.com.

募款目標 : $85,000 台幣 (目前: $21,700)
TARGET : $2,650 USD

  • (21,700 of 85,000) 金額 AMOUNT RAISED 25.5%
  • 被贊助孩子 (30位孩子) KIDS SPONSORED (Total 30 Kids) 0%
  • 被贊助婦女 (24位婦女) WOMEN SPONSORED (Total 24 Women) 58%









Kelly Lin - $5,000 NT
Jet Sunny  捷式股份有限公司 - $5,000 NT

Tina Chen - $1,000 NT
Pinky Yen - $700 NT
A Well Fed World - $10,000 NT

我們會及 孩子及老師純純一起從頭開始製作純素比薩,然後讓孩子將他們的蘭嶼生活創作成3D立體的藝術作品,當個小小攝影師,將他們的故事拍攝成小短片!沒有什麼課程比讓他們學習做出自己的食物,講述自己的故事更棒了!

老師Rhea Chou 純純

地點:蘭嶼漂流木餐廳 https://www.facebook.com/蘭嶼漂流木餐廳-276401059133797/
課程費用 (不包含交通): 100 NT 捷式股份有限公司贊助!

報名方式 (限制: 12位大朋友):
1.  必須填 https://goo.gl/Z0jC7q
2.  發EMAIL到brightside.tw (at) gmail.com
3.  嚮光受到報名訊息72小時內通知你確認課程位子。

0420-短片工作坊-70 Photo courtesy 蘇嘉琦 Courtesy Starry Cheng 鄭又綺 IMG_1128photo Painting backdrops for the volcano explosion

Photo courtesy 蘇嘉琦 Creation of clay volcanoes; baking soda and then mentos for explosions!

Photo courtesy 蘇嘉琦

Welcome to join us! Bright Side Projects makes its second return to Orchid Island with an agenda for an exciting day with local kids!

We will be making plant-based pizzas from scratch and let the kids express through 3D art and shooting mini films their story about Orchid Island and their lives. What’s a better way to empower kids than to have them make their own food and hear their stories?

Kids will learn: simple film making, storytelling, pizza creation, 3D art.
Big Friend tasks: assist with storyboard and pizza ingredients.
Lead Teacher: Rhea Chou

Date/Time:5/15 (Sunday) 9:30 – 15:30
Location:Orchid Island Driftwood Restaurant 蘭嶼漂流木餐廳 https://www.facebook.com/蘭嶼漂流木餐廳-276401059133797/
Workshop Fee: 100NT (does not include transportation), thanks to Jet Sunny for their support.

1. Read and register here: https://goo.gl/Z0jC7q
2. Email brightside.tw (at) gmail.com
3. Bright Side Projects will confirm your details and if there is a spot for you. 

Photo courtesy 蘇嘉琦 Photo courtesy 鄭又綺 Courtesy Jon Burke 白炯涵

2016 5/14 ibake 食物藝術: 佛卡夏麵包 Food & Art Workshop (Orchid Island)



Just a little over $1000 NT/ $30 USD covers workshop materials and plant-based meal for a woman or child!

台北富邦銀行代號 012
帳號: 4901 0202 2421
(戶名) 社團法人臺灣嚮光協會
信用卡/PayPal: brightside.tw@gmail.com

Bank Name: Fubon Bank
Bank Code: 012
Account: 4901 0202 2421
Swift Code: TPBKTWTP
Bank Address: 389 RenAi Road, Section 4. Taipei City, DaAn District
A/C Name: 社團法人臺灣嚮光協會
Credit Card/PayPal: brightside.tw@gmail.com


捐款贊助需要收據的朋友(僅限臺灣地區)歡迎寄信至 brightside.tw@gmail.com 與我們聯繫。
For those that need tax deductible receipts please email us at brightside.tw@gmail.com.

募款目標 : $85,000 台幣 (目前: $21,700)
TARGET : $2,650 USD

  • (21,700 of 85,000) 金額 AMOUNT RAISED 25.5%
  • 被贊助孩子 (30位孩子) KIDS SPONSORED (Total 30 Kids) 0%
  • 被贊助婦女 (24位婦女) WOMEN SPONSORED (Total 24 Women) 58%









Kelly Lin - $5,000 NT
Jet Sunny  捷式股份有限公司 - $5,000 NT

Tina Chen - $1,000 NT
Pinky Yen - $700 NT
A Well Fed World - $10,000 NT



日期/時間:5月14日(六)(第一段)上午09:00~下午13:00 及 (第二段)下午13:00 ~ 下午17:00
地點:蘭嶼漂流木餐廳 https://www.facebook.com/蘭嶼漂流木餐廳-276401059133797/
課程費用 (不包含交通): 100 NT 捷式股份有限公司贊助!

我們需要你的贊助!  僅需1000元台幣就能支付一個孩子或一位婦女的工作坊材料費以及蔬食餐點~

報名方式 (限制: 12位大朋友):
1.  必須填 https://goo.gl/Z0jC7q
2.  發EMAIL到brightside.tw (at) gmail.com
3.  嚮光受到報名訊息72小時內通知你確認課程位子。


253fe6239d6aaf6536adce7e54ef11c9 WEB-olive-bread-TDAC-for-web-1024x384 http-::drawingchange.com:they-draw-and-cook-illustrated-recipes: http-::beachblissliving.com SONY DSC Brightside Pizza 清泉_032815_131 copy Brightside Pizza 清泉_032815_156 copy

Join Teacher May for a session combining a feast for the eyes and our tummies!
Let’s make delicious focaccia bread together with the local women of Orchid Island and getting to learn more about what we eat through the creative expression of art.

Need your support for this workshop!
Just a little over $1000 NT/ $30 USD covers workshop materials and plant-based meal for a woman or child!

Date/Time:5/14 (Saturday) Morning Session (09:00 – 13:00) and/or Afternoon Session (13:00 – 17:00)
Location:Orchid Island Driftwood Restaurant 漂流木餐廳 https://www.facebook.com/蘭嶼漂流木餐廳-276401059133797/
Lead Teacher: May Pan
Workshop Fee: 100NT (does not include transportation), thanks to Jet Sunny for their support.

1. Read and register here: https://goo.gl/Z0jC7q
2. Email brightside.tw (at) gmail.com
3. Bright Side Projects will confirm your details and if there is a spot for you.

Images credit: drawingchange.com ; http://beachblissliving.com

2016 5/14-5/15 嚮光蘭嶼工作坊 Bright Side Orchid Island Workshops



💛食物藝術: 佛卡夏麵包 Food & Art


1) 5月14日(六)(第一梯次)上午9:00~下午1:00
2) 5月14日(六)(第二梯次)下午1:00~下午5:00

*報名方式:請私訊 Bright Side Projects 臺灣嚮光協會 (http://m.me/brightside.tw ) 或打電話,傳簡訊至:0921-112-636(請留下姓名/聯絡電話/參加梯次),我們會再回覆是否報名成功。
* 臉書: https://www.facebook.com/events/225251011173855/


WEB-olive-bread-TDAC-for-web-1024x384 http-::drawingchange.com:they-draw-and-cook-illustrated-recipes: Brightside Pizza 清泉_032815_098 copy http-::beachblissliving.com

💛迷你導演與披薩工作坊Mini Film & Pizza Maker Workshop


5月15日(日) 上午10:00~下午3:30

*報名方式:請私訊 Bright Side Projects 臺灣嚮光協會臉書(brightside.tw@gmail.com) ,或打電話,傳簡訊至:0921-112-636(請留下家長姓名/兒童姓名/聯絡電話),我們會再回覆是否報名成功。
* 臉書: https://www.facebook.com/events/225251011173855/


Painting backdrops for the volcano explosion

Photo courtesy 蘇嘉琦 Courtesy Jon Burke 白炯涵 Brightside Pizza 清泉_032815_148 copy

💛好夥伴 x 贊助者

2016 5/29 嚮光協會「自然.藝術.台東」Nature + Art (Taitung)



Just a little over $1000 NT/ $30 USD covers workshop materials and plant-based meal for a woman or child!

台北富邦銀行代號 012
帳號: 4901 0202 2421
(戶名) 社團法人臺灣嚮光協會
信用卡/PayPal: brightside.tw@gmail.com

Bank Name: Fubon Bank
Bank Code: 012
Account: 4901 0202 2421
Swift Code: TPBKTWTP
Bank Address: 389 RenAi Road, Section 4. Taipei City, DaAn District
A/C Name: 社團法人臺灣嚮光協會
Credit Card/PayPal: brightside.tw@gmail.com


捐款贊助需要收據的朋友(僅限臺灣地區)歡迎寄信至 brightside.tw@gmail.com 與我們聯繫。
For those that need tax deductible receipts please email us at brightside.tw@gmail.com.

募款目標 : $85,000 台幣 (目前: $51,700)
TARGET : $2,650 USD

  • (51,700 of 85,000) 金額 AMOUNT RAISED 60.8%
  • 被贊助孩子 (14 / 30位孩子) KIDS SPONSORED (Total 14 / 30 Kids) 46.6%
  • 被贊助婦女 (20 / 24位婦女) WOMEN SPONSORED (Total 20 / 24 Women) 83.3%









Kelly Lin - $5,000 NT
Jet Sunny  捷式股份有限公司 - $5,000 NT

Tina Chen - $1,000 NT
Pinky Yen - $700 NT
A Well Fed World - $10,000 NT

Anonymous Marathoner - $10,000 NT

RVenus Lai - $10,000 NT
Anonymous (B) - $10,000 NT

(ENG BELOW) 藝術與自然結合, 感受觀察植物與地景, 在新馬蘭部落聚會所的自然環境中就地創作。孩子的創造力將轉化詮釋自然環境,讓人們重新注意自然環境,從中得到與平常不一樣的感受經驗。上午是「葉脈書籤製作課程」,Sophie老師會帶著孩子們認識周遭的樹種植物,並拾撿落葉,再回到教室裡製作葉脈書籤。孩子們能夠在探索環境的過程中,練習觀察生活周遭的小細節。


地點:台東新馬蘭Fukid部落 ( 臺東市青島街1號 台東火車站附近)
老師:Ichi Lin, Sophie Chang
課程費用 (不包含交通): 200 NT 捷式股份有限公司贊助!午餐將提供以蔬食材料為主的英式鬆餅披薩、蔬菜沙拉和新鮮水果奇亞籽果昔。

報名方式 (限制: 12位大朋友):
1.  必須填 https://goo.gl/5hV8pr
2.  發EMAIL到brightside.tw (at) gmail.com
3.  嚮光受到報名訊息72小時內通知你確認課程位子。

**嚮光協會遵循聯合國兒童權利公約,並且尊重個人的身體及隱私權,如果想要進一步了解本協會,歡迎參考http://brightside.tw 或 http://fb.me/brightside.tw


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As we celebrate 種樹天 by planting seedlings, we want to take the indigenous children at the FUKID community centre on a journey to understand more in-depth to learn about these majestic trees, the environment, and our connection to them. This will be expressed through land art and creation of leaf bookmarks. Join us!

Date/Time:5/29 (Saturday) 10:30 – 15:30
Location Taitung Shin MaLan Tribe ( Taitung QingMa Street #1  near Taitung Train Station)
Teachers: Ichi Lin, Sophie Chang
Workshop Fee: 200NT (does not include transportation), thanks to Jet Sunny for their support. Lunch is plant-based English muffin pizzas, fruit smoothies with chia.

FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/1025711984165866/

Bright Side Projects adheres to CRC (Convention on the Rights of the Child) policies and respects people’s bodies and their right to privacy. For more about us please head to http://brightside.tw or http://fb.me/brightside.tw

1. Read and register here: https://goo.gl/5hV8pr
2. Email brightside.tw (at) gmail.com
3. Bright Side Projects will confirm your details and if there is a spot for you.

Helping Hands –張玄竺 Sophie Chang



張玄竺 Sophie Chang

張玄竺(Sophie Chang),我們都稱她Sophie。文學與翻譯是人生與生活的一部分,現在任教於東華大學語言中心,也是位譯者。在嚮光協會剛開始在清泉的計畫時,她時常在去清泉的山路上暈車嘔吐,但還是懷抱著莫名的期待上山。她說,生活很重要,我們每個人,都在著尋最適合自己的生活樣貌,而教育,便能賦予我們無限的機會與可能,去創造,去想像,去實現。

Known as Sophie.
For Sophie, literature and translations are a part of her life. She is now lecturing at National DongHwa University and does book translations.

Sophie was with Bright Side Projects at the inception of our workshops in 2012, her first foray up to ChingChuan included the challenge of the twisted roads and throwing up in the car. However, she was a great trooper and still maintained a great level of enthusiasm during our inaugural workshop!

Sophie believes that life is important and for each individual to find the most suitable to live this is essential. She also firmly believes that education can present us with infinite opportunities and possibilities, leading to creation, to imagination, changing our reality.

Taken with my iPhone 4 by Yi Han With volunteer Sophie With teacher Beryl Chang!

Photo courtesy Jon Burke 白炯涵 IMG_1128photo Photo courtesy 蘇嘉琦 Stop Motion Animation workshop with volunteer angel Sophie

Helping Hands – Paula Perry



Paula Perry

“I’m a loser baby, so why don’t you kill me.”
Paula’s 專長為素食料理及手工藝

I am a loser baby, so why don’t you kill me.”
But first I’ll be happy to help you look after your kids and do some craft [ssshings]”

Paula is a master of vegan baking and crafts.

Magnet time with Teacher Paula! Paula serving fresh plant based meals (2012 Jonathan Burke) Volcano class!
Photo courtesy 蘇嘉琦 0706-睦祥-火山歷險記-60 copy 0706-睦祥-火山歷險記-79 copy Muxiang_070614_237 copy

Project Wrap Up – 2016 5/29 嚮光協會「自然.藝術.台東」Nature + Art




Many Big Friends made the journey from different parts of Taiwan to meet in Taitung for Bright Side Project’s second workshop with the great kids of the ShinMaLan Community. It has been such an inspiration to see the passion of community head  YoChi in bringing so many wonderful events to the community center and we tied our workshop with the annual tree planting activity.

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Thus this time, nature served as not only our inspiration but also our workshop materials in their most natural setting. All friends gathered around while Teacher Ichi read to us a story and as we walked out into the sweltering heat Teacher Sophie introduced some facts on the trees and botany in the area. Kids were enthusiastic, picking up leaves, twigs, stones, and other items in preparation for their masterpieces. After gathering the items, kids made sketches on how to piece what they gathered into art.

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我們在戶外組合這些美麗的素材,沒有沾到油漆或勾到線。它們靜靜等著自然分解之後回歸大地。小朋友們也學習如何用樹葉製作書籤。大自然以它各式各樣的形式供給我們一切所需—食物、遮蔭、藝術…以及生命! 由於最近颱風所帶來的災情,我們希望所有人都能與自然共處,並對於台東和其他災區的朋友發出慈悲心。

The beautiful objects were then assembled outside, unscathed by paint or strings. They were left to return to compose and return to nature. Kids also learned how to create bookmarks from leaves. Nature in all its diversity can provide us with so much from food, shade, art, and more – life! In light of the recent catastrophe wrought by the typhoon, we hope that everyone can work with Nature and also show compassion to all our friends in Taitung and other affected areas!

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我們的午餐是英式鬆餅披薩,上面撒著純素的起司以及蔬菜配料、很酷的青醬沙拉以及現打新鮮西瓜汁。謝謝 A Well Fed World 的贊助!

Our quick lunch was English muffin pizzas with vegan cheese and vegetable topping, a cool pesto salad, and blended fresh watermelon juice. Thank you to  A Well Fed World for their support for our vegan meals!

老師 Teacher: Ichi Lin, Sophie Chang 
攝影師 Photographer: Starry Yoyo Cheng
大朋友 Big Friends:  李明豪, 蘇韋嘉, Lynn Lin, Takahashi Hiroaki

贊助者 Sponsors:
Kelly Lin, Jet Sunny  捷式股份有限公司 , Tina Chen, Pinky Yen, A Well Fed World, Anonymous Marathoner, RVenus Lai, Anonymous (B), 傢式國際股份有限公司, Ann Lin, Anonymous (002), 蘭嶼漂流木餐廳, 蘇威昇, 林孟甫, 林彤珊 Angela Lin,日本, 曜欐姐

特別感謝 Special Thanks:
郭幼慈,Kaye Yuan, 曜欐姐, Haichen Hsu

更多照片 All photos: https://www.facebook.com/brightside.tw/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1105571096167007

更多 Morehttp://brightside.tw/2016ss-taitung-orchid-island/ 及 https://www.facebook.com/events/1025711984165866/

您也可以贊助孩子,贊助我們!SUPPORT US!


Project Wrap Up 2016 5/12 – 墨西哥裔美國五月五日 (清泉)Cinco de Mayo (ChingChuan)



這絕對是我為小朋友與大朋友舉辦過的課程中,最喜歡的課程之一。我們探討了墨裔美國人的墨西哥五月節(Cinco de Mayo)。首先,我們了解它的起源,了解為什麼它雖然被信奉為墨西哥的節日,但是在美國慶祝的規模卻比較大。

This had to be one of my favorite workshops we’ve had for both kids and our big friends. We took at look at the Mexican-American holiday of Cinco de Mayo (5th of May), first understanding the origins and reasons by although believed as a Mexican holiday, why it was celebrated on a much larger scale in America.

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課程一開始,我們以一個簡短的介紹,透過與孩子互動並且讓孩子以發問的方式參與,了解文化以及諷刺漫畫的意義。我們更加了解資本主義的起源,以及它如何在美國以其成功扮演關鍵的角色。我們也討論了當天要製作的其他東西的起源與演進—墨西哥捲 (Burritos) 和紙紮的比娘大(Piñata)。有趣的是,我們還學到比娘大 (Piñata) 很可能是源自於中國喔!

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Starting with a small presentation and through interacting and engaging kids with questions about culture and the meaning of caricatures. We achieved better understanding of the origins and how capitalism played a key role in its success in the USA. We also discussed the origins and the evolution of some of the other items we were going to create that day – burritos and piñatas. It was interesting, as we all learned the origins of the piñata may have been from China!

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小朋友們光是猜測酪梨的顏色就開心得不得了,而且還親手為美味的墨西哥捲製作酪梨莎莎醬。大朋友和小朋友非常有耐心的動手剪裁與糊製紙張,製作比娘大 (Piñata),並且在上面彩繪。當小朋友以棒球棍將比娘大 (Piñata)打破時,每個人都能夠吃到純素的點心。特別感謝 Paula Perry 以及 Sara Chien協助帶領課程!

Kids had a fantastic time guessing the colors of the avocado and creating guacamole for delicious burritos. The piñatas was a step by step process but kids and our Big Friends showed extraordinary patience to snip and carefully glue the paper and decorations on it. Vegan treats were to be had by all when kids had a chance to hit the piñata with the baseball bat. Thank you especially to Paula Perry and Sara Chien for helping with their part in leading this workshop!

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老師 Teacher: Paula Perry
攝影師 Photographer: JiaChi Su Jonathan Burke
大朋友 Big Friends: Sara Chien, Poppa Baer, Angela Lin, Rippling Tsou, Tana Erdene

贊助者 Sponsors:
Kelly Lin, Jet Sunny  捷式股份有限公司 ,Tina Chen, A Well Fed World, Anonymous Marathoner, RVenus Lai, Anonymous (B), Ann Lin,  蘭嶼漂流木餐廳,  曜欐姐

感謝 Thank You:
丁神父 Father Barry Martinson, 桃山國小 蘇美娟, 林育宏,哈那,馮益峰/Dean Ferng, Kaye Yuan, Haichen Hsu

更多照片 All photos: 

更多 Morehttp://wp.me/p6AHdc-1Lr 及 https://www.facebook.com/events/858748634237565/

您也可以贊助孩子,贊助我們!SUPPORT US!

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2016 秋冬 台東蘭嶼 FW Taitung Orchid Island



Fall 2016 in Taitung and Orchid Island

引頸期盼到台灣東南部的第三趟旅程! 儘管遇到交通不便或運送物資的問題, 我們確信透過與社群的連結與互動, 就會產生正向循環

We look forward to our third trip down to Southeast Taiwan! Despite the obstacles in transportation and resources to for some of Bright Side Projects friends, we know that only positive good can come out of everyone connecting and engaging in our community.



Last year on our trip to Orchid Island, we hosted workshops for kids but was told that many of the mothers and others also had high interest to join. The idea of what workshop to create came at our breakfast times during our week long stay. Noticing that much of Orchid Island’s bread supply was imported, we decided to explore the possibility of having locals create their own baked stuffs so it would be more self sustainable and environmental. If there is high interest we will look into funding more resources and talent so it can become self-sustaining and utilize local resources as ingredients.

Starting with our first workshop at ShinMaLan FUKID in October 2015 and May 2016, we knew from the passion of the community center director Mrs. Kuo and our connection with the children that we had to come back and get to know them better.

DonateIcon hand


2015 蘭嶼小怪物面具工作坊
Orchid Island Monster Mask

ChingChuan Mad Scientist Volcano

Your donations funds logistics and everything else that puts the workshops in place.


台東: 大眾運輸系統單程4.5小時,開車單程7小時
蘭嶼:大眾運輸系統單程4小時,開車單程2.5小時 /大眾運輸系統單程9小時,自行前往12小時 (搭船3.5小時, 坐飛機 20分鐘)

台北到台東的火車來回大概~$1,400台幣,蘭嶼的船票 $2,000多台幣。5位志工前往便需接近$20,000元台幣。 但是教課的老師以交通費用協會需要支出。因為這些老師和義工為了這個活動必須離開自己的崗位3-6天,不會有收入。您的贊助款將協助我們過程中所有支出,包括數個月來的事前溝通、會議安排、與志工老師企劃課程、聯絡大朋友及所有報名課程的參與者。

People like the idea of convenience – but getting items to where those who may benefit from the resources is not always about that. Our core group is based in Taipei and we have on-site locals in each of the locations. But with many of our talents and resources prepped at our base, we need to sort and get them out. Your support covers everything from months of communication, coordinating meetings, planning lessons with teachers, volunteers, and getting in touch with those who are registering.

From Taipei to–>
Taitung: by public transport 4.5 hours each way / by personal vehicle 7 hours each way
Orchid Island: by public transport 9 hours each way / by personal transport 12 hours each way (ferry is 3.5 hours, flight is 20 minutes) Just for Orchid Island the cost for the ferry is approximately $72 USD, airfare $90 USD.

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台北富邦銀行代號 012
帳號: 4901 0202 2421
(戶名) 社團法人臺灣嚮光協會
信用卡/PayPal: brightside.tw@gmail.com

Bank Name: Fubon Bank
Bank Code: 012
Account: 4901 0202 2421
Swift Code: TPBKTWTP
Bank Address: 389 RenAi Road, Section 4. Taipei City, DaAn District
A/C Name: 社團法人臺灣嚮光協會
Credit Card/PayPal: brightside.tw@gmail.com


捐款贊助需要收據的朋友(僅限臺灣地區)歡迎寄信至 brightside.tw@gmail.com 與我們聯繫。
For those that need tax deductible receipts please email us at brightside.tw@gmail.com.







感謝您對台灣的青少年及婦女的慷慨與愛 !
Will you join our journey?
Thank you for your generosity and love for the youth and women of Taiwan!
Bright Side Projects: https://fb.me/brightside.tw

2016 Plants x 嚮光協會 (Bright Side Projects)



Plants x 嚮光協會 (Bright Side Projects)







We are what we eat.(人如其食),飲食可以反映一個人的健康與生活,人類也可以透過飲食的模式來改變創造更好的環境。[ 美味 x 健康 x 永續 ] 是Plants的理念,讓我們在選擇美味健康食物的同時,也能為地球盡一份力。


organic arugula leaves Sprouted Rawnola Maple Chia Tempeh Bow Red Lentil Falafel Plate Raw Cacao & Chia flatbread

Plants x Bright Side Projects

Taipei, Taiwan,  July 25th 2016 / Immediate Release

Bright Side Projects is honored that Plants has select us a partner to reduce food waste!

Our hope is restaurant go-ers can appreciate the bountiful harvest that Mother Nature and hardworking farmers have provided for us. Everyone is encouraged to bring their own containers if they cannot finish their delicious meal at Plants or a 10% fee will be incurred for food wastage with the proceeds going to local charity Bright Side Projects.            

This is one of the rare times we sincerely wish to receive no funds and if everyone eats responsibly with a loving conscious, our wish may come true!

In our own activities based locally in Taiwan, Bright Side Projects has also strived to reduce waste in plastic packaging, our plant-based meal creations with children, and workshops by using natural or recycled materials whenever possible. We support any endeavor to reduce, reuse, and recycle, with the first emphasis on reducing. Waste management is something that is close to our heart and we are ecstatic that Plants shares our passion. 

If you would like to join us and others on our journey for better world, let us know how you are making a significant positive impact on the environment as we would love to share your story.  In the meantime, we look forward to seeing you at our workshop or over a nourishing, wholesome plant-based meal at Plants!

About Plants
Delicious, nourishing & sustainable. Plants believes that food should be made with whole, nutritious ingredients, and prepared with the healthiest methods. Our food choices can also have significant impact on our environment. We aim to provide enjoyable, wholesome food with mindfully chosen & locally-sourced ingredients.

1F., No.10, Ln. 253, Sec. 1, Fuxing S. Rd.,
Da-an Dist., Taipei City 10492, Taiwan

Project Wrap Up 2016 514 食物藝術: 佛卡夏麵包 Food & Art












如果各位願意慷慨解囊,資助臺灣嚮光協會的東台灣秋季工作坊,請參考以下捐款帳戶資訊;捐款的朋友們也請寄封電子郵件(主旨:2016 FW TAITUNG)通知金額總數,以便我們將款項保留給東台灣活動專用。目前,募款的目標為新台幣九萬元(美金三千元)。


Thank you for all your patience! It’s been a packed 2016  in building up to our early summer activities. It takes several weeks and countless contacts to make each workshop possible; we hosted four in May in Orchid Island, Taitung, and Hsinchu and then moved onto a huge fundraiser in June.

It’s very difficult to express how grateful I am to those who choose to support Bright Side Projects and what we do – and truly understand what we are about. This time heading back to Taitung and Orchid Island for the second time, we were so fortunate to have enough people support us or else this journey would not have been possible!

Our first trip over was in November 2015 thanks to Santa Jia-Xin and supporters. The main project then  was to construct a Christmas Tree from the recycled plastic bottles on the island. At that time due to time and budget constraints, the only workshop were able to host open to the public were was still limited to 15-20 kids (although close to 30 showed up).

We want to build friendships and have long term relationships in communities so that there is a mutual understanding and respect. Being able to go back this time and spend time with the community, was invaluable. I took what I heard the first time into incorporating activities that would give us better understanding of what the locals want and what was available locally.

This time we invited Teacher Mei just for this project to make delicious focaccia bread with the women. Hosted at on the second floor of the stunning 漂流木餐廳recipes were handed out and ingredients distributed.  SOLIS provided us with some festive colored aprons that brought an even happier and brighter dimension to our workshops.


The women that joined our  食物藝術: 佛卡夏麵包 Food & Art  were probably some of the most dedicated students we’ve ever had in our events! While the focaccia dough was rising, we had watercolor pencils provided so that we could incorporate art and everyone could draw and share what resources Orchid Island had and also what they normally ate for breakfast.  Hopefully in the future we will be able to utilize more of Orchid Island’s native ingredients.  We asked them to let us know what type of courses they would like to join in the future.

Taitung and Orchid Island is a trek for us and we appreciate the support from everyone while we set up regular workshops and a presence there for the long haul. The logistics of bringing everything over itemized to around 500 pieces big and small, including shipping two ovens, was no easy task.  All foodstuffs are vegan with no animal byproducts. Bright Side Projects supports the 1KG Campaign (減蘭嶼垃圾量生宣導多帶走1KG )


and the majority of the workshop materials we sourced on the island, such as the cardboard boxes. Our team brought back all items and our trash to Taitung and Taipei to properly recycle. Before departing Taipei Bright Side Projects does not permit plastic bottles to be brought on our journey over.

If you would like to donate to fund our fall trip back to Taitung and Orchid Island, please find the bank info below. Email us with the subject “2016 FW TAITUNG” and the amount of your donation so we put this on reserve for this specific project. We are looking to raise $100,000 NT / ~$3,100 USD.

老師 Teacher:潘梅芳 May Pan
攝影師 Photographer:Haichen Hsu
大朋友 Big Friends:Rufen Cheng, Rhea Chou 
廚師 Chef:Shang-Han Chien

贊助者 Sponsors:
Kelly Lin, Jet Sunny  捷式股份有限公司 , Tina Chen, Pinky Yen, A Well Fed World, Anonymous Marathoner, RVenus Lai, Anonymous (B), 傢式國際股份有限公司, Ann Lin, Anonymous (002), 蘭嶼漂流木餐廳, 蘇威昇, 林孟甫, 林彤珊 Angela Lin,日本, 曜欐姐

特別感謝 Special Thanks:
潘梅芳, 阿婆 (蘭嶼漂流木餐廳),Ocean Wang, Olive Pai, Kaye Yuan, 曜欐姐, Tobie Openshaw, 蘭嶼女人魚民宿

更多照片 All photos: https://www.facebook.com/brightside.tw/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1109057492485034

更多 Morehttp://brightside.tw/2016ss-taitung-orchid-island/ 及 http://brightside.tw/2016-514-515-bright-side-orchid-island-workshops/

您也可以贊助孩子,贊助我們!SUPPORT US!

💛好夥伴 x 贊助者


Project Wrap Up 2016 5/15 迷你導演與披薩工作坊Mini Film & Pizza Maker Workshop








5/15 我們邀請了當地的小學生前來參加「迷你導演與披薩工作坊」,一開始大家都有點害羞,一旦打開心房,氣氛就變得非常熱烈、充滿樂趣。有些小朋友是第一次品嚐披薩,而其中更有些體貼的孩子希望能把他們的披薩帶回家和弟弟、妹妹分享。工作坊的後半段,則是讓孩子們藉由拍攝小短片,述說屬於他們自己的蘭嶼生活;雖然整個過程顯得有點手忙腳亂,有些孩子甚至離題了,但無庸置疑的,大家都玩得很開心!影像編輯完成後,我們會盡快和各位分享。




如果各位願意慷慨解囊,資助臺灣嚮光協會的東台灣秋季工作坊,請參考以下捐款帳戶資訊;捐款的朋友們也請寄封電子郵件(主旨:2016 FW TAITUNG)通知金額總數,以便我們將款項保留給東台灣活動專用。目前,募款的目標為新台幣九萬元(美金三千元)。


Thank you for all your patience! It’s been a packed 2016  in building up to our early summer activities. It takes several weeks and countless contacts to make each workshop possible; we hosted four in May in Orchid Island, Taitung, and Hsinchu and then moved onto a huge fundraiser in June.

It’s very difficult to express how grateful I am to those who choose to support Bright Side Projects and what we do – and truly understand what we are about. This time heading back to Taitung and Orchid Island for the second time, we were so fortunate to have enough people support us or else this journey would not have been possible!

Our first trip over was in November 2015 thanks to Santa Jia-Xin and supporters. The main project then  was to construct a Christmas Tree from the recycled plastic bottles on the island. At that time due to time and budget constraints, the only workshop were able to host open to the public were was still limited to 15-20 kids (although close to 30 showed up).


Kids from the local elementary school were invited to join the迷你導演與披薩工作坊Mini Film & Pizza Maker Workshop. Initially quite shy, once the kids opened up they were enthusiastic and having fun. For some it was their first time to eat pizzas and some of the kids were very thoughtful, saying they wanted to take home their pizzas for their younger siblings. Our second part of the workshop included a plan to let kids tell us about Orchid Island through the medium of short film. It was a bit hectic and maybe not all the kids stayed on topic, but we all had a great time! We will be editing the footage and look forward to sharing this with you soon.

We were still severely understaffed for the workshops with kids, with only 5 Big Friends (two of them photography, videographer, and cook) versus the 25+ kids that showed up. Generally we require at least a 1:3 ratio to maintain the quality of the course so hope that we can do better in the future in supporting people to come with us. This time three of us were in charge of groups of 5-10.  We look forward to more friends joining us in the future! Look at the faces of the kids in the photos and we know you will want to come too!


We want to build friendships and have long term relationships in communities so that there is a mutual understanding and respect. Being able to go back this time and spend time with the community, was invaluable. I took what I heard the first time into incorporating activities that would give us better understanding of what the locals want and what was available locally.

This time we invited Teacher Mei just for this project to make delicious focaccia bread with the women. Hosted at on the second floor of the stunning 漂流木餐廳recipes were handed out and ingredients distributed.  SOLIS provided us with some festive colored aprons that brought an even happier and brighter dimension to our workshops.

The women that joined our  食物藝術: 佛卡夏麵包 Food & Art  were probably some of the most dedicated students we’ve ever had in our events! While the focaccia dough was rising, we had watercolor pencils provided so that we could incorporate art and everyone could draw and share what resources Orchid Island had and also what they normally ate for breakfast.  Hopefully in the future we will be able to utilize more of Orchid Island’s native ingredients.  We asked them to let us know what type of courses they would like to join in the future.

Taitung and Orchid Island is a trek for us and we appreciate the support from everyone while we set up regular workshops and a presence there for the long haul. The logistics of bringing everything over itemized to around 500 pieces big and small, including shipping two ovens, was no easy task.  All foodstuffs are vegan with no animal byproducts. Bright Side Projects supports the 1KG Campaign (減蘭嶼垃圾量生宣導多帶走1KG )

and the majority of the workshop materials we sourced on the island, such as the cardboard boxes. Our team brought back all items and our trash to Taitung and Taipei to properly recycle. Before departing Taipei Bright Side Projects does not permit plastic bottles to be brought on our journey over.

If you would like to donate to fund our fall trip back to Taitung and Orchid Island, please find the bank info below. Email us with the subject “2016 FW TAITUNG” and the amount of your donation so we put this on reserve for this specific project. We are looking to raise $100,000 NT / ~$3,100 USD.

老師 Teacher:Rhea Chou
攝影師 Photographer:Haichen Hsu
大朋友 Big Friends:Rufen Cheng
廚師 Chef:Shang-Han Chien

贊助者 Sponsors:
Kelly Lin, Jet Sunny  捷式股份有限公司 , Tina Chen, Pinky Yen, A Well Fed World, Anonymous Marathoner, RVenus Lai, Anonymous (B), 傢式國際股份有限公司, Ann Lin, Anonymous (002), 蘭嶼漂流木餐廳, 蘇威昇, 林孟甫, 林彤珊 Angela Lin,日本, 曜欐姐

特別感謝 Special Thanks:
潘梅芳, 阿婆 (蘭嶼漂流木餐廳),Ocean Wang, Olive Pai, Kaye Yuan, 曜欐姐, Tobie Openshaw, 蘭嶼女人魚民宿

更多照片 All photos: https://www.facebook.com/brightside.tw/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1113826272008156

更多 Morehttp://brightside.tw/2016ss-taitung-orchid-island/ 及 http://brightside.tw/2016-514-515-bright-side-orchid-island-workshops/

您也可以贊助孩子,贊助我們!SUPPORT US!

Helping Hands –洪伯昇 Sam Hang



洪伯昇 Sam Hang

現任於MOODIWOOD傢櫥 門市經理
多年的產業經驗, 及一個熱忱, 付出的心來服務客戶. 完成他們的夢想家. 近年來更以這樣的之心, 擴展到社會角落.  

在公司內部組成真心志工團隊, 和夥伴們將愛心擴散到偏鄉小學及各育幼院服務; 同時也和其他慈善公益團體合作,共同協助需要的人.


Sam is currently a part of the MOODIWOOD Furniture team, manager in the home cabinet division.
He has many years of industry experience and a dedication to the creation of the dream home for customers. However, in recent years, he wishes to extend his dedication to different corners of society.

MOODIWOOD now has created a team of passionate volunteers within their organization to share their skills with elementary schools and charitable organizations to those who benefits the most.

More on MOODIWOOD: http://khcdesign.com/

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