Channel: 臺灣嚮光協會 Bright Side Projects
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Helping Hands –鯨湯匙 Whale Dawn



鯨湯匙 Whale Dawn


Born in Taipei but refers to themselves as a Hualien resident.
Their studio is located in Tamshui, near the northern coast; loves the ocean, cetaceans, plants, and innovative creation. Materials for their masterpieces are mainly comprised of discarded textured wood and finished with the sheen of lacquer. Whale Dawn breathes life into the upcycled wood as they are rebirth in the image of cetaceans and the sea.

網站 Web:https://whaledawnstudio.wixsite.com/whaledawn
臉書粉絲頁 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/whaledawn/

Helping Hands –何俊昕 Eason Ho



何俊昕 Eason Ho



The transformation of an art educator into a kitchen chef.
The transition from Italy to Taiwan; Eason has never ceased his sense of responsibility towards the Taiwanese motherland her rich cultural heritage.

Although 菜市場 Vegan Project may just be a restaurant, Eason hopes that it will become a sustainable social enterprise and art education epicenter, able to provide the next generation with a better Taiwan and brighter tomorrow.

菜市場 餐廳臉書 Vegan Project Facebook

活動報告:2018/3/17 木箱鼓與舞蹈課程 Percussion and the Art of Dance









老師 Teacher:王萬沂,李瓊碟,林霱
攝影師Photographer:Daisy Lin | 周純卉

大朋友Big Friends:張瓊云,鄭如棻,賴翊庭,蔡育如,杜承翰,龐愛文

贊助者 Sponsors:Julie Shih | 歐寶惠 | 李文馨 | Sarah Milne | Jet Sunny 捷式股份有限公司 | 黃素月 | Plants Lily Lin | 林士軒 | 黃嘉華 | 謝旻璟 | Kelly Lin | 蕭敬騰 | James Chen | Anonymous Marathoner | Stephen Suen | 私立育才國民小學 Kevin Dam

感謝Thank you:
財團法人苗栗縣私立幼安教養院 ,走探索去藝術實驗教室, Mr. One Cajon, oliva.林霱


After the rousing response in January when we brought musicians to MiaoLi YuAn Children’s Home, we couldn’t wait to bring Mr. Cajon and his unique percussion combined with the fantastic art teacher Milla and introduce them to the residents.

Milla is a master of interacting with children, from body and movement, expression through art, and art therapy. She led the children on movement by interpreting animals such as a crocodile, snakes, tigers, and more! Mr. Cajon brought on the basic beats of his instrument paired with the angelic voice of Olivia who joined us for the first time.

We were very happy that we had so many new friends join our journey to MiaoLi as we are always short of volunteers here. We hope that many more can join us and meet the residents, both young and senior, have no reservations about meeting folks with disabilities as we are all the same and just enjoy having a great time together!

活動報告:2018/5/12 [為愛而創意] 皮納塔玩偶派對 [Create for Love] Taipei Pinata Party




We are so pleased to be able to have hosted [Create for Love], Taiwan’s first vegan-centric upcycle creation classes empowering children that also gives back to charity! When your child joins in a workshop, 100% of the proceeds go to supporting workshops for kids who will benefit the most. We are happy to have officially started these unique courses in April 2018.




這次的課程是雙語教學,老師Paula Perry搬來台灣之前,在英國的全素烘焙坊工作,現在她和她出色的全素孩子,在台灣開始了Brownies and Pinatas。




We are so pleased to be able to have hosted [Create for Love], Taiwan’s first vegan-centric upcycle creation classes empowering children that also gives back to charity! When your child joins in a workshop, 100% of the proceeds go to supporting workshops for kids who will benefit the most. We are happy to have officially started these unique courses in April 2018.

For some of the kids it was their first time at our event – for others they had joined our journey previously. Today we introduced the origins of Cinco De Mayo, commodification of the holiday and made pinatas. Some of the parents were surprised that the children were able to focus for the three hour course. This is because we do encourage and empower kids to brainstorm and be a part of the process from beginning to end.

Delicious plant-based nachos and a fun pinata game topped off our day after the kids’ long session. We were also honored to be able to spend this day wishing a Happy Birthday to Adrianna!

This session was taught blinggual Taught by Paula Perry from Brownies and Pinatas who worked in a vegan bakery in the UK and has an amazing vegan child of her own.

Classes are open for public registration, proceeds all go to charity. To be placed on our mailing list so your kid can support other kids, you can message us or email love@brightside.tw

[Create for Love] is series of plant-based art themed workshops stemming from Bright Side Projects’ mission of empowering children with awareness of social issues through creative edu-courses, upcycled materials, and plant-based meals.

Kids for Kids is a Bright Side Projects initiative kickstarted in 2016 where in an act of love, kids empower other kids through fundraising and other forms of support. If you want your kids to start making the world a better place, contact us!

嚮光協會2018年教育訓練 Bright Side Projects Spring Training




While we spend most of our time with kids and big friend volunteers who join our educational outreach, we know it’s also important to let people know what we are up to and doing.

We were happy to present our Spring training session to those unfamiliar with Bright Side Projects going over actionable steps that we take in our curriculum to enhance social interaction, provide points of empowerment that everyone can readily take in their own lives, and how to address sexual harassment and body rights face on. We want to promote creativity to break away from the way that we currently think and do things.

我們很幸運可以請到施逸翔 (台灣人權促進會 副秘書長 )來為我們講解一些關於人權的基本知識,讓我們對聯合國兒童權利公約的內容有了大概的了解。我們常常忘記了,其實在決定事情的過程中,孩子們也應該有參與的權力,如此一來,我們和孩子們都可以藉著這個機會磨練自己分析決策的能力。




攝影師 Photography Credit: 蔡秉勳, Rhea Chou
場地贊助 Venue Sponsor:iArts Decor
投影機 Projector: 小小蔬房​


We were fortunate to have Shih Yi Hsiang (Deputy Director for Taiwan Association for Human Rights) go over basics in human rights and allow us to have a grasp on the understanding on the Convention on the Rights of Children. People often forget that children should also have a say in the decision making process and each moment we are with them is an opportunity to hone their decision making process skills, as well as ours!

Mimi Chiang has several years of experience working with people with different disabilities. Bright Side was honored to have her share her experience and insight with us, hopefully having hit home the message that we are all human and are the same.

Understanding, tolerance, acceptance – this is something in common that we all strive to achieve in this society. Bright Side Projects believes that everyone should have basic human rights, but no one should be bought or oppressed for another to gain said rights. We believe in differentiating between wants and needs for the sake of this earth, the environment and so our “human” rights do not overstep boundaries or take away from survival in the long term.

We want to hear different voices on the best way to do things, for the children and for the future. Change is inevitable and Bright Side Projects is positive about the outcome.

攝影師 Photography Credit: 蔡秉勳, Rhea Chou
場地贊助 Venue Sponsor:iArts Decor

活動報告:2018/3/10 神秘的西非樂器Asalato手作坊



過完農歷年的第一場活動!ASALATO TAIWAN的Fuso老師還有毛怪老師跟著我們一起回到新竹五峰鄉的清泉部落,陪伴我們泰雅族的孩子玩環保手做ASALATO 。一大早孩子就聚集在文化中心等我們了!以前帶的孩子長大了,驚喜現身主動說要當我們的志工大朋友,看著他們分組協助陪伴小一點的孩子,真是太感動了!

Our first workshop after the lunar new years was at ChingChuan! Asalato teacher Fuso Chen led this along with Wayne Zheng. It was a different workshop from before, with many kids that have grown up with us since 2012 joined not as “kids” but as Big Friends, assisting others! Time has gone by in a blink of an eye and it was touching to see the friendship and compassion that had blossomed. English below.





老師 Teacher:Fuso Chen,鄭毛怪
攝影師Photographer:Daisy Lin
大朋友Big Friends:張惠閔,Rita Yeh

贊助者 Sponsors
Julie Shih | 歐寶惠 | 李文馨 | Sarah Milne | 捷式股份有限公司 | 黃素月 | 林士軒 | 黃嘉華 | 謝旻璟 | Kelly Lin | 蕭敬騰 | James Chen | Anonymous Marathoner | Stephen Suen | 私立育才國民小學 Kevin Dam

感謝 Thanks: 蘇美娟, 林育宏, 丁神父 Father Barry Martinson, 桃山國小, April Lala ,周文和,李威子, Joy An Huang, ASALATO TAIWAN

From conception to creation of the asalatos, Fuso once again hosted a wonderful class that kept the kids engaged. We then headed out to TaoShan Elementary School to make music out of these upcycled instruments.

Lunch was a delicious vegan mushroom risotto with BBQ flavored sauteed vegetables and pumpkin soup but that’s not all we had – we also made blueberry cobbler together with children. It was our first attempt and we figured that even if we failed, we would fail and learn it together! It came out beautifully and also served as the birthday cake (with candle) for one of our best friends in ChingChuan, a youth we’ve known since 2012.

Happy Birthday and just a stunning day to all. We are so blessed for friendships and in awe of what children, what people can do, when we believe in them and give them the chance to create.

活動報告:2018/4/15 純素法式可麗餅與文化體驗 Vegan French Crepes and Culture Infusion




我們想利用玩遊戲的方式,讓我們的課程添加更多趣味,同時孩子們也可以藉由這個機會認識在法國的孩子們都在玩什麼遊戲。而剛好那時候四月一號愚人節剛過,Alex就為我們介紹了“poisson d’avril”這個遊戲,有點出乎我們意料的,孩子們竟然會願意花這麼多時間製作大大小小的魚,然後在課程的一整天時間裡,趁人不注意,偷偷地貼在其他人的背後。




老師 Teacher:Alexandra Monnier
攝影師 Photographer:Daisy Lin
廚師 Chef:Alexandra Monnier
大朋友Big Friends:Susu, 蔡慧儀, 楊筑安, 陳湘羚, Zoe, 謝叢憶, 黄立仁

捷式股份有限公司,   Jimmy Sun | 祥益興業社 / 菜市場的Eason, Plants, 探索天下有限公司/蔡慧儀 | 蕭鈞忠 | 陳盈如 | 張瓊云| 鍾幸容 | Stephen Suen | Kelly Lin | 蕭敬騰 | Anonymous Marathoner | Stephen Suen | 私立育才國民小學 Kevin Dam Julie Shih | 歐寶惠 | 李文馨 | Sarah Milne | 捷式股份有限公司 | 黃素月 | 林士軒 | 黃嘉華 | 謝旻璟 | Happy Tuesday

蘇美娟, 林育宏, 丁神父 Father Barry Martinson, 桃山國小, April Lala, 桂花樹自然農場, Sara Chien, Jed Chen, BDigital Asia

Bringing a new type of experience to children through culture, art, and plant-based food, is something that only we can do – and can only do with the support from those who want to share.  In a chance meeting, we met Alex and her boyfriend Aren at an intimate gathering they hosted at their vegan friendly home in Tamshui. Instantly we knew we had to have this amazing French chef who was dedicated to creation vegan cuisine meet the children of ChingChuan!

We came up with a game plan on making the day even more fun and getting the kids to have an opportunity to learn about the games of France. Since it was just a little while after April 1st (known as April Fools Day), Alex shared with us the game of “poisson d’avril.” We did not anticipate that the children would be so and spend a great amount of time making fish big and small to secretly stick onto the backs of others throughout the day.

The kids were able to make their own savory crepes for lunch, paired with ratatouille, and a delicious vegan Mooncheese platter surrounded by french bread and grapes. In the late afternoon we continued our crepe creation extravaganza, afternoon sweets of fresh fruits and melted chocolate. After we finished eating (an entire day’s worth) and made our way home, Teacher Aren told us later that it was only on the MRT back in Taipei that he and Alex discovered a massive fish on the back of his jacket. They proudly mounted the child’s masterpiece on the door of their apartment. This time we also had mostly brand new Big Friends and were glad to invite them up and also directly talk to kids about feelings, acting out in violence, and mandated the need to respect others physical personal space. It’s a topic many people do not necessarily want to get into even with their family or friends but it’s time that something so important was left unspoken. Bright Side Projects is eager to undertake tough issues alongside creative education for true empowerment. We hope children will also learn to share the knowledge compassion, and love with others.

We need your support to continue the lifelong work that we are doing. We are several months behind on our funding and desperately need your support for the children to make it through the end of the year. Consider a donation to make a true impact in a person’s life.

活動報告: 2018/5/19 [藝術,讓愛發聲]-穿越景框,讓愛顯影 Photography and Animal Welfare Advocacy




我們準備了幾台數位相機和I Phone,由閔皓老師從「為何攝影」揭開相機觀景窗的帷幕。介紹過景框、對焦、光線和角度等等基礎後,我們準備練習攝影的遊戲,讓孩子們從遠的近的,上下左右角度,來拍攝綠葉、大樹、還有各樣誇張有趣的動作。大家玩得不亦樂乎,烈焰陽光也阻止不了大朋友小朋友在觀景窗中奔跑和跳躍!







老師 Teacher:許閔皓
攝影師 Photographer:楊筑安​ , 蔡秉勳, Daisy Lin
攝影師 Videographer: 李仁豪

廚師 Chef:Peter Hsieh
大朋友 Big Friends: 莱蘇​ , 郭伊婷, 李惠珊, 翟雯瑤, 黃婷婷, 蔡秉勳, 陳禹璇, 王佩雯

贊助者 SPONSORS:捷式股份有限公司,   Jimmy Sun​ | 祥益興業社 /  菜市場 Vegan Project​ 何俊昕​ | Plants​ Lily Lin​ | 探索天下有限公司/蔡慧儀 | 蕭鈞忠 | Tina Chen​ 盈如 | 張瓊云| 鍾幸容 | Stephen Suen​ | Kelly Lin | 蕭敬騰 Jam Hsiao​ | Anonymous Marathoner |  育才附幼​ Kevin Dam​ | Julie Shih​ | 歐寶惠 | 李文馨 | Sarah Milne​ |  黃素月 | 林士軒 | 黃嘉華 | 謝旻璟 | Happy Tuesday – 家 ・ 分享 ・ 沙龍 ​ | 探索天下有限公司 |祥益興業社 | Ooh Cha Cha Mai Bach | 林其安 | 王佩雯 |胡詩妤 | 郭伊婷 | 劉彥麟

感謝 THANK YOU: 桃園睦祥育幼院, 劉緣玉​ | Mary’s Doggies | 潘小雯 | Liza Milne |  B Digital​ | James Bell​ |木匠的家 | I-Sun台灣動物平權促進會 TAEA |




Helping Hands – Liza Milne



Liza Milne

Liza Milne 投入了他的一生在幫助台灣流浪貓狗上,從救援、募款、照護、訓練到領養樣樣都來。
出生於英國 在台灣長大的Liza,他的名字已經與「動物救援」畫上等號。過去20年,任何在這個領域的人,都仰賴著他不屈不撓的力量和熱情還有啟發,更多的是如何不放棄。
一直以來Liza 都是嚮光協會很重要的支持,因爲他所做的一切都來自純粹的愛和關懷。就像上千隻他自己親手拯救的狗狗,我們很高興他跟我們在一起,希望能夠教導下一個世代,去尊重浪浪,同理和理解牠們。
他現在與瑪麗愛狗協會(Mary’s Doggies) 一同努力,讓這個世界變成更友善毛孩子的地方。
Liza Milne has dedicated her entire life to helping the stray dogs and cats of Taiwan through rescue, fundraising, care, training, and adoption.
Born in the UK, Liza grew up in Taiwan and has become synonymous with the term “animal rescue.” In the past two decades, anyone involved in the field looks to her for undeterred strength, passion, and inspiration on how to never give up.
Liza has been a source of strength for Bright Side Projects as everything she does she does out of pure love and kindness. Much like the thousands of dogs she has single-handedly rescued, we are so happy to have her with us and hopefully teaching the next generation to respect and treat strays with compassion and understanding.
She now works with Mary’s Doggies making the world a better place for our furry friends.

Helping Hands –陳禹璇 April Chen



陳禹璇 April


Fashion Designer; discovered a whole new world by evolving into plant-based diet.
Working in the fashion industry for a decade, April came to realize the wastefulness and huge damage that the industry wrecks on the environment. She is now redesigns and breathes life into existing pieces, giving them a second round of wear and love whcih in turn cherishes the limited resources on our planet. Through this she hopes to raise awareness that compassionate choices can be made in fashion and in our lives.

活動報告: 2018/4/28 「藝術,讓愛發聲」紙漿藝術營-地球與我們 PaperMache & Endangered Animals




We should cherish each moment that we have to share knowledge by taking the opportunity to approach social issues that are of great concern to all life on the planet. Anyone can be an artist – this is what we want to show kids and many others want to show them. Bright Side Projects takes this one step further and tells everyone that they can also be activists, be agents of change, thus one of the crucial steps in laying the path to the future. (English Below)








老師 Teacher: 張恆銘 (六樓鐵皮)
攝影師: Daisy Lin,李仁豪​
大朋友 Big Friends:Peter Hsieh
廚師Chef:Peter Hsieh

捷式股份有限公司,   Jimmy Sun | 祥益興業社 / 菜市場的Eason, Plants, 探索天下有限公司/蔡慧儀 | 蕭鈞忠 | 陳盈如 | 張瓊云| 鍾幸容 | Stephen Suen | Kelly Lin | 蕭敬騰 | Anonymous Marathoner | Stephen Suen | 私立育才國民小學 Kevin Dam Julie Shih | 歐寶惠 | 李文馨 | Sarah Milne | 鄭安婕 | 黃素月 |  林其安 Vegeholic Charity Birthday Party | Happy Tuesday  – 鐘少庭 | 林晅瑄 | 林士軒

特別感謝 Special Thanks: 郭慈幼  | 新馬蘭部落, 公益彩券基金, BDigital Asia

We should cherish each moment that we have to share knowledge by taking the opportunity to approach social issues that are of great concern to all life on the planet. Anyone can be an artist – this is what we want to show kids and many others want to show them. Bright Side Projects takes this one step further and tells everyone that they can also be activists, be agents of change, thus one of the crucial steps in laying the path to the future.

In our animal welfare series, we brought the focus onto endangered animals through group discussion and paper mache. By talking about and understanding animals plus their reasons for being endangered, we hope kids would then create their own “brand new” paper mache animals and detail the environmental hazards they faced as well.

This time we talked about polar bears, orangutans, and (what was it again). Instead of telling the kids the animals we would introduce, we had them guess the type of habitat, their diet, size, sound, and how they moved. Putting kids into the scenarios that the animals may face and their loss, and asking kids how they felt if it happened to them, brought the issues home.

Unnecessary development, over-reliance on ingredients such as palm oil, excessive usage of energy and other actions contributing to climate change felt locally and where polar bears lived, were discussed. It was really surprising for us that some of the kids actually knew about the serious consequences that animals faced and yet some of them said they did not care because it was not themselves who were facing it.

When then asked “how about I build a road through this community center and over your house?” The kids adamantly said no and wondered why if there were so many roads already why this new one needed to be built and should destroy their homes. This became a perfect stepping stone as we launched into the discussion about how endangered animals came to be and soon enough, kids were defending them and balancing the act of what was a want versus a need. We went over some possible action that they could take lessen the harm on our planet and the animals.

Kids took this lesson with them on the next step in deciding what to draw and create for their own animals, sketching then cutting and reshaping the lines from discarded clothes hangers. They ripped old newspapers for the paper mache that would be used for the sculptures.

It was a long squishy paper filled day in the end, but we hope that the crafts will dry as expected so when we return later on they will be able to give life to their animals by touching up their masterpieces with color. We have so much more to talk about with the kids and learn together on this road and urgently need your support for this unique type of education method that truly empowers them.

Protected: 2018年 藝術動保計畫 Advocacy Through Art Animal Welfare Fundraising



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2018 6/23 「藝術,讓愛發聲」紙漿藝術營-地球與我們 II Paper Mache & Endangered Animals



我們是如何尊重生命,並從不同的角度去看待呢?很高興我們完成了 [藝術,讓愛發聲] 紙漿藝術營-地球與我們 的另一半課程!How do we respect life and see through the eyes of others? We are glad to be able to finish the second half of our “Advocacy Through Art” – Paper Mache & Endangered Animals workshop! English below

短片 Video: https://youtu.be/6h-ZtlYiJLg
第一半課程 First Half Photos: https://bit.ly/2wsHyan






老師 Teacher: 張恆銘 ( 六樓鐵皮​ )
攝影師: Daisy Lin, 楊筑安
大朋友 Big Friends:楊筑安
廚師Chef: Daisy Lin

鄭安婕 | Sarah Milne | Howard Prince Hotel Taichung 台中福華大飯店 黃子娟 | MOODIWOOD Carol Wu | 陳冠竹 | 林其安 | 捷式股份有限公司 Jimmy Sun | 鐘少庭 | 林晅瑄 | 林士軒 | 劉湘琦 | 陳杰妤 | Lulu Chandler | 徐淑芬 | 陳杰妤 陳品孜 | 大武清境有機農園 Sara Chien | 探索天下有限公司 | Plants | Lily Lin | Square Meng Chao | 大徳汽車修配廠 | 林其安 Vegeholic Charity Birthday Party

特別感謝 Special Thanks:
郭慈幼 臺東市新馬蘭復基fukid部落​ 公益彩券基金, BDigital Asia James Bell​

Through interactive games, we introduced the polar bear, orangutans, leopard cat, and the hazards they faced – global warming, deforestation (due to palm oil), and unnecessary road development. More importantly, we asked them how they could be a part of the solution. Last time having created paper maches of imaginary animals that would also be threatened by various man-made hazards, this time the kids could finally add paint to their creatures.

We also had another important lesson to teach.  Last time the children also rescued 4 kittens, unfortunately 3 of the passed away but the kids, like many of us, tried our very best. We were fortunate enough to find locally based volunteers that nursed one of the kittens back to health and found the saved life a furever home.

We related this to kids and gave them a basic rundown of what to do in situations when they are faced with rescuing kittens. We equip kids with knowledge that can be used outside of the classroom, challenging critical thinking and letting them know to reach out for assistance.

Thank you Taitung Government for sponsoring this workshop and our supporters.

感謝 JET SUNNY! Thank you Jet Sunny!



我們想要感謝最長期而持續在支持嚮光協會的JET SUNNY捷式股份有限公司。這些年,他們每月定期捐款,供給著我們希望,讓我們繼續為台灣的年輕孩子努力下去。甚至有些日子,他們是嚮光唯一僅有的支持。

因為他們以及他們的信任,我們得以將這些轉化成藝術教育課程,還有數不盡的健康純素餐點,讓孩子們享用。他們的捐款意味著,來自於關心的大人,是能夠實質的將支援給予需要的人!JET SUNNY 也會邀請小朋友們到他們公司參加為孩子舉辦的活動。我們真心期望能夠有越來越多企業,融入他們社區,像JET SUNNY 一樣回饋社會。我們也期待在未來持續地與他們合作。如欲更多了解JET SUNNY的服務內容包含 NATIVE 輕量鞋,歡迎點連結進入網站:https://www.facebook.com/nativeshoestw/
Jet Sunny: https://www.jetsunny.com/

如果你的公司,也想要加入我們的旅程,實踐企業的社會責任,歡迎聯繫我們 love@brightside.tw 。好多的小朋友、大朋友,都需要你這位,在乎關心他們的人。加入我們,成為改善問題的一員吧!

We want to thank one of our longest ongoing benefactors, JET SUNNY. Their monthly donations through the years have provided us with hope to continue the work we are doing with youth in Taiwan. There have been times when we’ve had no other support than them.

Because of them and their faith in us, we have transferred this into creative-educational classes and countless number of warm nutritious plant-based meals for the children. Their donations meant that support could be given by caring adults to those who benefit the most. JET SUNNY has also invited children to their company sponsored kid-friendly events. We only hope that more companies can engage in their community and give back as Jet Sunny has. We look forward to our continued partnership in the future. To learn more about their business including distribution of NATIVE footwear, please head to their website:  https://www.facebook.com/nativeshoestw/
Jet Sunny: https://www.jetsunny.com/

If your company would like to join our life-long journey on corporate social responsibility, please contact us love@brightside.tw. So many youths and adults need someone who cares. Join us in becoming a part of the solution.

2018 桃山國小畢業典禮 Taoshan Elementary School Graduation











Ever since setting foot in ChingChuan in 2011, we have been continuously drawn to this area. This year it was especially important for us to make it to the graduation as we made a promise two years ago to ten year old who asked us if we would come to hers.

There has been no other area that has taught us so much as the interaction with the community and the children here. We have seen the kids grow before our very own eyes, some having joined our workshops before we knew what we were doing six years ago. it was amazing to see them graduate from TaoShan Elementary School. Some even join our workshops now to help out with the younger kids.

This is also the first year we were able to put together photography albums that detailed their journey with us starting in first grade. It took several weeks to go through close to 50,000 photos to select the best of each child’s photos with us took us on a time warp with many memories. We have have honed and refined what we are doing thanks to what we have learned from the children in ChingChuan. Interaction and learning is always a two way street. We congratulate the class of 2018 and hope they know that we are always there for them. We only wish we knew what we were doing 6 years ago and could have done more with them and for them!

Bright Side Projects also wishes a wonderful year ahead for TaoShan Elementary School and can’t wait to see the kids soon!

Bright Side Projects provides tailored resources to individuals often inaccessible and presents content that rarely seen elsewhere to challenge the status quo of society. The social interaction that the children and Big Friends have is priceless paving not only an outlet for healthy communication and expression of ideas, but shows them that someone is here for them and cares for them.   We are dedicated to empowering communities by connecting them to dismantle discrimination, intolerance, sexism, racism, sexual assault, with a pro-intersectional approach to topics in the classroom and in life. Plant-based meals are freshly prepared and workshop materials use upcycled items with no animal byproducts whenever possible.

Come join us or support us in building a life-long strong support system that breaks the mold and walks side by side with youth in this journey called life.

2018 秋季計畫 Fall Fun





This year we will bring a new perspective on the holiday from pumpkin pies to The Day of the Dead, Halloween, and other celebrations various cultures. In conjunction with November 1st World Vegan Day, activities include making plant-based skull pizzas, plant-based pumpkin pies, creating skull necklaces and planting marigolds for Day of the Dead, etc. We are also looking into having a special effects makeup artist come create terror-ific scenes with the kids!

Your support of just $1,500 NT ($50USD) per child supports that!
Donation Period: 2018/9/8 – 2018/10/5

Campaign Period: 2018/9/16 ~ 2018/11/18
Locations: ChingChuan, Taoyuan, Taichung, MiaoLi (4 locations, with additional $35,000 due to transportation and accommodation costs we can include Taitung)
Target: Indigenous youth and residents of children’s home age 5-18. Youth and adults with disabilities. Approximately 60 children.

We will open for Big Friend volunteers, please join our Facebook page for updates.

Dates TBC
10/20 MiaoLi Yu An Shelter for the Disabled – Day of the Dead / Marigolds / Vegan Skull cookies
(12~15 youth)(09:30 – 12:00)
(Culture, life & death, respecting life, vegan sugar skulls)

10/28 ChingChuan Vegan Skull Pizzas / Marigolds / Day of the Dead / Skull Necklaces
(15 Indigenous Atayal Children)(10:30 – 15:00)
(Culture, cultural appropriation,life & death rituals, respecting life)

11/4 Taoyuan MuHsiang Children’s Home- Vegan sugar skulls
(15 children)(10:30 – 15:00)
(Culture ,life & death, vegan sugar skulls)

11/18 Taichung-Day of the Dead / Terracotta pot art/Skull pizzas
(15 children)(10:30 – 15:00)
(Culture, cultural appropriation, life & death rituals, respecting life)

今年我們將帶來全新面貌的秋季節日,從南瓜派到亡靈節、萬聖節,還有其他不同文化的節日。 活動內容包含製作純素骷顱頭披薩、純素南瓜派、骷顱頭項鍊,還有栽植亡靈節的金盞花等等。我們也非常期待,能夠有特效化妝藝術家可以加入我們,與孩子一起刻畫獨特的恐怖回憶!11月1日也是世界純素食日!

你的 $1,500NT 支持,就可以支持一個孩子參加活動!捐款截止: 2018/9/8 – 2018/10/5

活動期間:2018/9/16 ~ 2018/11/18


10/20 苗栗-亡靈節/金盞花/陶土骷顱頭
(12~15位青少年)(09:30 – 12:00)

10/28 清泉-骷顱頭披薩/陶土骷顱頭/亡靈節  桃園-萬聖節恐怖特效化妝
(15位泰雅族小朋友)(10:30 – 15:00)

11/4 桃園-萬聖節恐怖特效化妝
(15位小朋友)(10:30 – 15:00)

11/11 TBC 台中-亡靈節金盞花/骷顱頭披薩
(15位小朋友)(10:30 – 15:00)



Just $1,500 NT ($50 USD) per child includes a nutritious plant-based meals, afternoon snack, workshop materials and teacher’s curriculum. We’re asking for a total sum of $3,000 USD.






* Children without the opportunity to travel will be able to learn about various cultures
* All activities require problem solving,  working independently and communicating in teams to complete the project.
* Workshops include plant-based meals prepared for or with the children
* Innovative art applications
* Social issues – tolerance, environmentalism, cultural appropriation
*Respecting all life forms and species





藝術文化 Art & Culture

生命 Life & Social Issues


台北富邦銀行代號 012
Fubon Bank Code: 012
帳號 Account: 4901 0202 2421
Swift Code: TPBKTWTP
(戶名) 社團法人臺灣嚮光協會

歡迎寄信至 brightside.tw@gmail.com 與我們聯繫。
For those that need tax deductible receipts email brightside.tw@gmail.com


2018佳欣家庭冬日物資捐贈心願 Jia-Xin Kids Wishlist



2018佳欣家庭冬日物資捐贈心願 Santa Jia-Xin Winter Solstice




為了能及時將愛心在12月5日前送到家庭及孩子手上 (看進度可能1月份才有辦法送),此次募款和必需品捐贈的截止日期為12月5日。萬分感謝您的支持! 若有任何問題請email info@brightside.tw 聯繫我們!



Bright Side Projects is Taiwan’s first non profit association that concurrently promotes empowerment and plant-based foods through creation and content rich activities. Plant-based meals is a unique and integral component of all of our workshops. Help us fulfill our Bright Side Projects Winter Wishlist by 12/5 so it takes so economic stress from expenditure. When you support local farmers, you also support a nutritious plant-based meal for a child this winter. Sponsor an item for a family and our partner will also donate a generous percentage of proceeds to a hot meals for children during gift creation workshop in January.

Your generous donation through Santa Jia Xin Toys for Taiwan will cover the delicious vegan meal and treats for one child this winter in our gift creation workshop taking place throughout Taiwan. It will also benefit the delivery of staple organic plant-based food to 15 families in ChingChuan (Hsinchu) and Taitung. Each family we support may have anywhere from one to six children to feed. To make this a reality, we need to raise close to $9,000 USD but we will do what we can with however much we are funded.

Our deadline is 12/5 for both monetary and items donations so we can personally deliver it to families and children in time on mid to late December. Thank you!

2018 12/05 截止日期 DEADLINE









聖誕大使Jia-Xin 是一位慷慨熱心的臺灣小女孩,被領養後移居加拿大。2012年11月,在因緣際會之下,我收到一封來自Jia-Xin養父的電子郵件,希望可以實現他當時年僅六歲的小女兒一個願望。由於JiaXin在臺灣從未慶祝過聖誕節,她期盼能夠在這樣歡騰喜樂的節日,分送禮物給有需要的人,傳遞一點點溫暖。一轉眼,六年過去了,每一年的聖誕佳節,我們都會分送生活必需品(食物、毛毯、外套)及禮物給各地孩童,實現JiaXin的心願。除了要四處蒐集大家的愛心禮物,分送禮物的地點往往也相當遙遠,如清泉部落,往返當地需要五個小時的車程。因此,有相當程度的經費是運用在交通之上。 首先,需要兩到三輛車載滿米、麵條、毛毯,及其他的家庭所需物資送到當地。物資送達後,我們還會再回去為孩子們舉辦工作坊,讓他們了解這個節日的意義並不僅止於接受禮物,更重要的是,大家能夠花時間聚在一起。

聖誕大使Jia-Xin 的夢想是將她得到的溫暖獻給全台灣,為了不讓這段遙遠的路程阻撓我們實現她夢想的這份心意,希望您能夠在12月10日前慷慨助援!


SANTA JIAXIN is a generous warmhearted little girl who was adopted from Taiwan and is now living in Canada. By a “chance” email back in November 2012 JiaXin’s father contacted me and asked me to fulfill a wish for his then little 6 year old girl. Believing she never celebrated the holidays when she was in Taiwan, she wanted to be able to provide gifts to those who would benefit the most from a little warmth during the festive season. For the past four years we were able to fulfill her wish via delivery of needed items (food, blankets, jackets) and gifts to the children.

In addition to picking up gifts that people donate, locations such as ChingChuan (2.5 hours each way) are quite far so a sizeable chunk of our funds are directed towards transportation. We require at least 2-3 cars filled up with sacks of rice, noodles, blankets, and other necessities for the families. We then go back at a later date for another session for a workshop with kids so that they understand the holidays are about spending time together, not just receiving gifts.

石梯坪水梯田復育計畫 Ocean Rice




贊助品項: 台灣最有名的良質米種 (運費可能另外算)
目標: 150公斤稻米
總金額: 新台幣26,250元
慈善捐助額: 總收入之10%
贊助一戶家庭: 2 公斤新台幣350元 或  6公斤新台幣1050元

MiBaLiw is an amazing project supporting the local indigenous Amis tribe of Shitiping in Hualien, rice grown in close proximity to the ocean resulting in an unique taste.  Help us to provide pesticide free rice from local indigenous farmers to local families. We are hoping to obtain at least 4KG-6KG for at least 15 families (around 90KG at $15,570 NT or $520 USD) and 2KG for 30 more families (60KG ; $10,500 NT or $350 USD). When you purchase rice for our wishlist, 10% of their sales will be donated on top to Bright Side Projects! The two main areas for rice distribution include Wufeng’s ChingChuan (Atayal families) and Taitung’s ShinMaLan (Amis families) who we work with all year round.

If we exceed our goal, the funds will purchase more rice and other necessities for families or will benefit the children in the community.

SPONSOR RICE 贊助米 350 元

Donate by Item

1. 台北富邦銀行 銀行代號 012
帳號: 4901 0202 2421
2. 信用卡 : https://bit.ly/2RvpGV4
3. PayPal / Credit Card: brightside.tw@gmail.com
4.通知 http://m.me/brightside.twbrightside.tw@gmail.com



每個家庭將會有 $5,000NT 的基金,來採買讓家庭與孩子們保持溫暖的毯子、手套、冬天外套等等。務必瞭解,每個家庭都有大約3-5個孩子或更多,需要這些物資支援。另外我們將準備神秘聖誕老公公,所以有興趣收到孩子們願望清單的朋友,歡迎寄信到love@brightside.tw

贊助品項: 一戶家庭新台幣5,000元 (其他物資課程另外算)
贊助目標: 15戶 (5戶台東; 10戶清泉)
總金額: 新台幣 75,000元
目前還需要: 新台幣 50,000元

感謝台中福華飯店、MOODI WOOD 傢櫥以及Jet Sunny捷式股份有限公司贊助所有的台東家庭!

Bright Side Projects also provides necessities and small gifts when we deliver food staples to families in 10 households in ChingChuan and 5 households in Taitung. For the cost of 5,000NT/$150 USD per household it will go to buying things that families and children need to stay warm – whether it be blankets, mittens, or winter jackets. It also includes other plant-based food staples such as fresh fruits, cooking sauces, peanut butter. Remember that in each household, generally there are around 3-5 children or more that require support. In addition we will also be conducting a Secret Santa so for those interested to receive the wishlist of a child next week, please email us at love@brightside.tw

Sponsor a Family 贊助一戶家庭物資5000 元

Donate by Item

1. 台北富邦銀行 銀行代號 012
帳號: 4901 0202 2421
2. 信用卡 : https://goo.gl/KAf5Xh
3. PayPal / Credit Card: brightside.tw@gmail.com
4.通知 http://m.me/brightside.twbrightside.tw@gmail.com





社會認知:回收環保, 動保

活動地點:台東新馬蘭部落、苗栗幼安教養院、桃園睦祥育幼院、新竹清泉部落, 台中, 等等



感謝MOODI WOOD 傢櫥、台中福華飯店與陳品孜小姐贊助桃園與清泉的孩子課程餐點與材料!還有45個孩子需要你的愛和支援。





2018 JiaXin Activity English

Bright Side Projects is adamant about empowerment and will look to collaborating with various animal welfare organizations to have kids make donation boxes for them out of upcycled materials. We hope that by being able to give back, the kids feel that they have control in their own lives by being able to help others. In spending time with them, we will also create holiday sweets together made from scratch, such as vegan chocolate mug cakes with coconut whipped cream and delicious gingerbread cookies.

Thank you MOODIWOOD, Howard Plaza Hotel, and Cornelia Chen for sponsoring all of the workshop meals and materials for children in ChingChuan and Taoyuan! We still have 45 kids that need your love and support.



1. 比起只是收到禮物,我們更希望為孩子充權,讓他們能夠回饋社會,表達感恩給那些這一年來支持他們的人。


桃園 /睦祥育幼院 Taoyuan MuHsiang Children's Home

台中福華飯店贊助!Taichung Howard Plaza Hotel Sponsorship!
日期:12/8 TBC
老師 Teachers:簡沙拉
參加禮物製作工作坊的小朋友數目: 15位, 中餐26位孩子,年齡約從7~18歲。

報名 Sign up:11月公布 / We will open for registration in November
More: https://www.facebook.com/pg/brightside.tw/events/


台東 / 新馬蘭部落 Taitung ShinMaLan Tribe


老師:Daisy Lin
參加禮物製作工作坊的小朋友數目: 15位,年齡約從7~13歲。

報名 Sign up:11月公布 / We will open for registration in November
More: https://www.facebook.com/pg/brightside.tw/events/

馴鹿宅急便: 禮物與物資 Jia-Xin Reindeer Necessities Delivery

日期:12/19 TBC

了解更多: http://brightside.tw/project-wrap-up-2016-1221-delivery/

活動皆需要以下的幫手:攝影師、與有車的大朋友 email love@brightside.tw

新竹/清泉部落 HsinChu ChingChuan

老師: TBC
參加鬆餅早餐工作坊的小朋友數目: 12-15位,年齡約從5~14歲。


報名 Sign up:12月公布 / We will open for registration in December
More: https://www.facebook.com/pg/brightside.tw/events/


苗栗 / 幼安教養院 Miaoli YuAn Shelter

日期:2019 1/12
參加禮物製作工作坊的小朋友數目: 12-16 位,年齡約從10~25歲。

報名 Sign up:12月公布 / We will open for registration in December
More: https://www.facebook.com/pg/brightside.tw/events/

台中 Taichung

參加禮物製作工作坊的小朋友數目: 12-16 位,年齡約從 5~18歲。

報名 Sign up:12月公布 / We will open for registration in December
More: https://www.facebook.com/pg/brightside.tw/events/


2018 桃山國小畢業典禮 Taoshan Elementary School Graduation

2018 桃山國小畢業典禮 Taoshan Elementary School Graduation

自從我們於2011年來到清泉,便自此不斷的被這個地方深深吸引。今年特別重要,因為兩年前我們答應10歲的孩子,去參加他們的畢業典禮,而如今我們實現了承諾。 沒有任何一個地方,像清泉一樣教會我們這麼多事,像是與社區還有這裡的孩子互動。用自己的雙眼,見證孩子們的成長。六年前當我們都還不知道自己在做什麼的時候,有些孩子就加入了我們的課程。看著他們從桃山國小畢業的感覺真的很美妙。如今,都有孩子開始回來課程裡協助更年幼的孩子了呢! ...

2018 6/23 「藝術,讓愛發聲」紙漿藝術營-地球與我們 II Paper Mache & Endangered Animals

2018 6/23 「藝術,讓愛發聲」紙漿藝術營-地球與我們 II Paper Mache & Endangered Animals

我們是如何尊重生命,並從不同的角度去看待呢?很高興我們完成了 [藝術,讓愛發聲] 紙漿藝術營-地球與我們 的另一半課程!How do we respect life and see through the eyes of others? We are glad to be able to finish the second half of our "Advocacy Through Art" - Paper Mache & Endangered Animals workshop! English below 短片...


2018 動保計畫 Art for Advocacy

2017  JLIN 桃園睦祥育幼院 ZUMBA

2016 蘭嶼佛卡夏麵包及導演與披薩工作坊

Helping Hands –秦孟廷 Mandy Chin



秦孟廷 Mandy Chin

大學因為唸戲劇系的關係更多了很多機會擔任化妝設計的職位 接這就這樣一路去到了溫哥華進修。

I fell in love with makeup when I joined a dance group back in high school; then got my hand into doing more makeup design while in University. Afterwards, I headed all the way to Vancouver to hone my skills in the craft!

Helping Hands –徐秉亞 Sophie Hsu



徐秉亞 Sophie Hsu


中美洲哥斯達黎加長大的墨西哥餐廳老闆!新竹店: 量子塔可, 台北店:Teotihuacán 墨西哥料理。


Grew up in Latin America and is the owner of Mexican restaurants in Hsinchu (Quantum Tacos) and Taipei (Teotihuacán)!

活動報告 皮納塔/墨西哥裔美國五月五日節 Cinco de Mayo & Pinatas




We are so excited to bring one of our core classes to Taichung. Learning about culture through craft, cuisine, and art is a unique staple for Bright Side Projects educational courses. English below!




午餐我們幸福享用Vegan Project為大家準備的令人著迷的純素午餐。有馬鈴薯沙拉, 芒果鳳梨莎莎+墨西哥脆餅, 墨西哥漢堡+烤薯條, 當季蔬果果昔。 看見Eason跟他團隊,特別準備的餐點,不只美味,擺盤還超級精美!愛心滿分!


更多照片: https://tinyurl.com/y88mb2y7

老師 Teacher:Peter Hsieh
廚師 Chef:何俊昕 Vegan Project 菜市場
攝影師 Photographers:Ken Wang | Daisy Lin
大朋友 Big Friends: 楊筑安 | Leanie黎安妮 | 胡詩妤 | 謝安柔 | 張譯心

贊助者 Sponsors:
Jimmy Sun 捷式股份有限公司 | 祥益興業社 / 菜市場的Eason, Plants, 探索天下有限公司/蔡慧儀 | 蕭鈞忠 | 陳盈如 | 張瓊云| 鍾幸容 | Stephen Suen | Kelly Lin | 蕭敬騰 | Anonymous Marathoner | 私立育才國民小學 Kevin Dam Julie Shih | 歐寶惠 | 李文馨 | Sarah Milne | 鄭安婕 | 黃素月 |  林其安 Vegeholic Charity Birthday Party | Happy Tuesday  – 鐘少庭 | 林晅瑄 | 林士軒 | Aria Chen | Lulu Chandler | Howard Prince Hotel Taichung 台中福華大飯店 黃子娟 | MOODIWOOD Carol Wu

特別感謝 Special Thanks:
廖小薄 | 台中慈馨兒少之家| Paula’s Brownies & Pinata | Vegan Project 菜市場 | Lily Lin Plants | Howard Prince Hotel Taichung 台中福華大飯店 黃子娟 | MOODIWOOD Carol Wu | Paula’s Brownies & Pinata | Jimmy Peng 棒球棒

We first introduced the holiday Cinco de Mayo and why it was celebrated far more in the USA than in Mexico, dealing then with concepts of commodification, capitalism, and cultural appropriation. Kids were shown the pinata and told of its mysterious origins then how to create their own vibrant works of art from mainly upcycled materials.

Kids had an intense look of concentration on their faces as they took the time to piece together the pinatas. The smiles that showcased on their faces warmed our hearts, as they knew if they put their effort into it, they would be capable of making and creating anything. Our Big Friends were there as supporters to cheer them on and we hope the kids know that no matter what difficulties they face in life, we will be there for them.

At lunch we were spoiled with a delicious decadent plant-based lunch prepared by Vegan Project that included 馬鈴薯沙拉, 芒果鳳梨莎莎+墨西哥脆餅, 墨西哥漢堡+烤薯條, 當季果昔

Seeing the labor of love for that Eason and his team put forth made the meal extra special, a feast for the palate as well as the eyes!

We do need more volunteers in Taichung as our ideal ratio is 1:1 or 1:2 Big Friends to pair with our kids; this time the project was very difficult for the children in cutting up the cardboard boxes so having extra hands would have been fantastic. We are so proud that the kids stepped up to take this task all by themselves (most adults would have just given up).

More images: https://tinyurl.com/y88mb2y7

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